NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 14


I did not take any trades today as I was tired when I got home last night. I stayed up for the London open but after watching the charts for 1 hour I decided to "take a day off" and not worry about trading since it was Friday.

I will be back to the markets come the London open on Monday morning.

I wish everybody a safe and wonderful weekend.


Nice to hear from you again Ryan. Yes, kids grow so quickly. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who got threw up on multiple times!

Have you started trading yet or are you still observing from the side?

Excellent words of wisdom, and I find myself saying it to my Wife and myself quite often, actually, because he is already very big. He was born in November, and we had family members gifting us clothes all the way into the 6-9 month range, and I remember thinking, "Well, this is ridiculous, it'll be forever before he can even think about wearing it!" Well, as luck would have it, my kid is a big one, already over 25 inches and 16 pounds just after 3 months, so we're already dipping into the big clothes. We have pictures of me holding him when he came from the hospital, and I could literally fit him in my palm like a catcher's mitt, now I can't even get my hand across the back of his shoulders....and he's heavy. I understand you perfectly clear, and I do take time to do the small things for him that I appreciated my Dad doing for me. My Wife actually breastfeeds and stuff right now, so the only time we share the feeding duty is if she needs to leave somewhere for an extended period of time, but I do enjoy feeding him when I get the chance. He's already thrown up all over me, his new clothes and my freshly washed clothes, but I actually ended up laughing because after he did it, he looked at me kind of like, "", you know, like the e-Trade baby in the commercial. As if to say, "Yeah, I have no, yeah, sorry about that." We've already been frustrated and stressed and have no sleep, but you know, it's weird, you sort of "get used to it", and all that stuff seems to blend together. My Wife has already asked me about certain times my son cried or what-not, and I honestly don't remember, because it's just him being a baby. But I do remember the first time he recognized me, and then a big goober-gummy-smile came on his face and he said "Aaaaagggooooooo!!!!!!!!!". Tearing up just typing it. Plus, there is that manly feeling of knowing that the loins are in perfect working condition... LOL.

I'm not sure if I will do any trading tonight during the London Open. My plan right now is to trade the London and not the US because there is a bank holiday here in the US tomorrow.

Right now the market is a pure flatline. If the market stays that way 1 1/2 hours after the London Open, I will just close up shop and take another day off like I did on Friday.

My account balance as of right now is 89.55


I'm not sure if this will be a problem here on the site but I figured I'm a decent person and in now way am I trying to rub anybodies feathers the wrong way.

I'm sharing a link to a site that I listen to while I'm trading. I know smooth jazz may not be the top choice to listen to as it may put some to sleep but I love it (thanks to my dad while I was a child growing up) so I figured I would share it with others.




I totally forgot that I had one trade today. Here is my screenshot. I was stopped out for +1 pip. I made 0.17% profit today.

Looking forward to London tonight to see what opportunities present themselves.

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Here is my screenshot with my activity from today. I did not have a good day trading today as I broke some of my trading rules.

Still learning to stick with my rules and follow them 100%. Tomorrow is another day. Still believe I can get my goal of getting to $100 by the end of the month.

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Here is my screenshot for the day. I had a positive day but it was not much but profit is profit so I can't be upset. Something amazing happened today...I stuck to my rules and made money. What a shock!

I'm really trying to understand that I may not have valid trades each day. On days when I don't have trades, I break my rules and that was my big setback this week.

I'm focusing on trading my rules and if I don't have any trades, don't trade. I'm thinking of adding USD/CHF to my bag so I can have a bit more opportunities as I trade just EUR/USD right now. Not sure if I will add it tonight or not.

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I've decided to not add another pair right now and just stick with EUR/USD. I want to work on sticking with my rules and following them before I try to branch out into other pairs.


I'm heading in the wrong direction but going to keep pushing. Discipline is very, very important in this business.

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Here is my trading screenshot for today. I've been pretty busy today so that's why I'm posting it so late.

I had a very rough week this week. Hopefully next week will be much better.

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