NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 19


I wanted to post my thoughts on the fight to be the successful Forex trader that I know I can be. This has been the toughest thing in my entire life. It's been so long I truly can't remember when I started trading Forex.

I'm a DreamChaser...always have been, always will be. I can't help it. I see something and I want it and I don't stop until I obtain it.

I know for some traders it was a smooth ride to the top. For me, that's not the case but to be honest, I don't regret one single second of the struggles. It has made me strong. I appreciate the hard times because I know when I reach the other side these struggles will stay with me and not allow me to forget where I come from.

So I won't make this long or anything like that but for those who are struggling and don't think they can continue on, don't quit. Keep pushing. The other side is much to good to pass up on. Think about just how it will be to have everything you ever wanted and to be able to help others. That is more than enough motivation to keep you on the path.

StayFocused & NeverQuit


I have not been posting the past few days because I was on a much needed vacation. Well it was not actually a vacation as in I went somewhere, I just did very minimal trading.

The weather has been very nice lately so I have been enjoying it with my family.

Going to be focusing on scalping in my trading for the time being. Took three trades today, all of which were winners for a profit of 3%.

Going to focus just on scalping and I will see how I can grow my account by not bouncing all over the place and sticking with one thing.

Looking forward to seeing just how well I do.

On another note, I will no longer be posting screenshots of my account activity. Just going to focus on posting but not worry about leaving proof. I feel that trying to display my every move has hindered me greatly so I will not be showing my account activity.

I will share how many pips I made for the day but that is as detailed as it will get.


As you probably know by now...I change my mind from time to time. I've decided to continue to show my trading account activity.

The purpose of the journal was to have a place I could go back and see my results. No need in changing that up now.

Here are my results from today. There may be a gap inbetween where I started today and my last screenshot but that is on purpose. I went back to scalping today so that's why I'm starting off with showing my results from today.

Was able to make 5.58% profit today. Today was my only day trading this week so far.

Will begin trading again tonight at the London Open.

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Here is my post for today. I'm done trading for the day. I was able to make 5.16% profit today.

My goal each day is to make 1% profit each day. If I reach 5% profit in a day, I will stop trading for the day.

So far in my two days trading this week I'm up a bit more than 10% profit total.

Scalping fits my personality much better than any other style of trading and I'm glad I went back to it.

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Well as soon as I thought I had time to begin trading again...I was wrong but this time it's for a great reason....I got a job!!!

So for right now I will be not trading until I can figure out how to fit it in my schedule.

Got burned the past few days and gave back everything that I earned...Down to $52 in my trading account but will get it back.

Going to take a break until I can get used to my schedule and then try to balance trading and working. It's been almost 3 years since I have had to do that so I'm not sure how it will go.

To everybody...I wish you many pips and a ton of cash!!!


Well the job I thought I had was short lived. They were just getting people to set up for a conference they were having and that's all.

So I'm back to being unemployed but still looking.

So I'm back to my trading. I had got down to $55 (I said $52 but I was wrong).

Today I was able to make 2.22%

Still scalping. Should have made much more today than what I did. Having problems with the best exit. Tomorrow I'm going to shoot for 10 pips per trade and see how that goes. Had I done that today, I would have had no losers and would have made over 6% profit.

Edit: I took short position for another 2% profit. I have updated the screenshot to reflect the additional trade. I'm now closing up my platform and done trading until later tonight.

Total Profit Today: 4.22%

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Today was a profitable day for me. I was able to make 4.17% profit today so I'm done trading for the day.

Scalping really fits my personality the best. Difference this time around is I'm not getting overconfident or starting to see the top of the mountain before I even leave the basecamp.

Just taking it one trade at a time and staying focused.

My trading account balance is at $59.71

I'm currently up 8.39% for the week thus far.

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Today was another profitable trading day for me. If I had to give myself a grade for today it would be a C. The reason why I say that is because I should have been done trading 48 minutes after I started trading for the day.

I tried for one more trade being greedy and was burned. I then was able to get my mind back right and end the day profitable.

Even though today was a profitable day, I don't like the bonehead decision that I made and will try to make sure that it does not happen again in the future.

Today I was able to make a profit of 4.66% for the day. My account balance is currently at $62.47

I'm currently up 13.05% for the week. I did not do any trading on Monday.

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This was a great week for me to get back into my trading. I was able to end the week on a profitable note.

Today I was able to make 4.06% profit today.

For the week, I was able to make a profit of 17.11%

My current account balance is $65.03

My son does not have pre-school tomorrow so I will be enjoying the day with him. Posting my screenshot now because I will not be online later during the day.

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Forgot to upload my post earlier but I just wanted to say that I did not do any trading on Memorial Day but I did make a small deposit to my trading account. Made a few extra bucks doing some yardwork for people in the area so I had a few extra bucks to spare.

I have placed one trade so far today which was a winner for 2% profit.

Will post my end of the day results once I'm done trading for the day.