NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 16


Sorry for the screenshot being so late. I've been baking cakes and cookies with my kids all day! They got out of school early today and yesterday and I told them that I would plan a nice day today so we went to the park and let the dog run wild, went to have ice cream (it was snowing yesterday and today it was 63...PNW weather for you) and then when we got home I was Mr. Betty Crocker in the kitchen.

I must say, no amount of money in the world can replace the feeling that I get from the love that my kids have for me. It's the best "payment" in the world for the best "job" in the world of being a father.

I did manage to squeeze in some trading early in the morning and I was able to make 3.21% today.

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Here is my screenshot for today. I have been busy pretty much all day long today. I had two trades running that I just closed out. Since they were opened earlier I counted them towards todays total.

I'm getting ready to look for setups while I'm up for the London Open. I will post my screenshot tomorrow morning once I'm done trading. It's NFP and Friday so I'm going to be very careful with my trading. I plan on being much more careful with my trading from this day forward. I'm tired of the back and forth, especially the big swings back and forth. I understand I will have losing days and drawdown but I want it to be much smaller than what it has been.

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I did not take any trades today as I was having internet problems so I did not want to enter something without being able to manage it.

My shorts from earlier were great trades. I entered short at 3271 and 3268 and right now price is at 3118 and it was a freefall. I exited at resistance at the pivot point so I'm fine with the profit that I made.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your day!


Here is my trading screenshot for the day. I was able to end the day with a profit but I felt that was more luck than anything.

I've decided to make a important trade. I had been risking more than 2% on my trades. I've decided to risk 2% on my trades and no more than 2%. As my confidence builds and I see I'm winning more than I'm losing, I will slowly increase my risk in 0.05% increments.

My ability to stick to my rules needs to be perfect before I even think about that so I'm not worried about that at all right now.

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Here is my trading screenshot for the day. I was able to make 2.90% today so I'm up 3.99% for the week so far. Just taking it one step at a time and trading much smaller lot sizes.

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Here is my trading screenshot for today. Did not have a good day today. I did make the right decision by lower my trade size though. Much more comfortable when I'm trading, even with a losing day today.

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I did not trade today so I have nothing to post. I will also be not posting for a bit. Going to go back and study forex some more and go through babypips.

Once I get back to trading, I will begin posting again.

Yeah, they know what they are doing and that what makes it even more special. Congrats on getting some private students. If you don't mind me asking, what do you teach?

I teach English as a second language. One of those fabled folks that tries to make sense of our amazing and absolutely confusing grammar structure.

Read the rest of your blog - hope to see you back in action soon, man. Also liked that post about going to the park and getting some ice cream. Ice cream sounds like a brilliant idea right now, by the way....


I'm back my friends. I had a very short lived hiatus. I'm going to keep plugging along my friends. No sense in stopping my journal. It's to document my ups and downs so I'm going to keep pushing.

I have $56.36 left in my account so I'm going to just see where I end up at.

I look forward to facing the challenge head on of becoming a consistently profitable trader.


Thanks for the support.

I teach English as a second language. One of those fabled folks that tries to make sense of our amazing and absolutely confusing grammar structure. Read the rest of your blog - hope to see you back in action soon, man. Also liked that post about going to the park and getting some ice cream. Ice cream sounds like a brilliant idea right now, by the way....