NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 11


Last night I had a very small losing day. I ended the day with $90.51 which is a loss of -0.73%.

My paint program is acting funny right now so I can't post any charts.


I've had a rough past few days but nothing account breaking. My account is currently at $87.03 as of right now.

I'm trading off the 5min chart in the direction of the hourly chart.

I'm happy that my account is not being drawn down a great deal but not happy that I'm not growing it the way I would like.

My daily goal is to average 0.50% per day. This will allow me to average 10% per month so it will be a challenge to me but I'm all up for it.

I believe I got my paint program back up and running so I will be posting charts again.

I know on my account of $87 my profits won't be much but I'm not concerned with that right now. I want to start trading profitably and consistently. Once I do that, I will then work on a plan to increase my account size at that point.


Took a few position last night that mainly got stopped out at b/e points and one that netted me 2 pips I believe.

My account balance is currently at $87.77.

I can understand everything that you are saying my friend. Money is not in the equation for me either. Just like you just want to write, I just want to trade. Not worried about how much I make or anything like that any longer. I will admit, I used to be concerned with that but that is not the case any longer. I just want to trade as I have a passion for it. I just love the challenge.If I make $1 or $1 million is no longer important to me. Trust me my friend, once you begin reading that book, you will not be able to put it down. I was glued to it. I've read it a few times.I think we both have our heads on correctly and we will see our dreams come true. I truly have no doubt in my mind about that one bit. Continue to believe in yourself and it will all happen for you. It's nice to have a fresh mind around, especially one who is not corrupted by the system.

Hey, sorry for the long pause, but I had a good amount of freelance work fall into my lap and, you know, have to make the hay while the sun shines.

I can understand a guy who wants to trade for the sake of trading, or "for the process", because it's just something they enjoy to do. But I can't understand how a person could honestly believe that they can take a micro-account and become a multimillionaire with FOREX. I might as well try to pass a camel through the eye of a needle. All the literature I've read about this has pointed straight to the fact that to bank big, you need to already have a big bank!

I can only do what makes me happy and what is good for my family, because that makes me happy, too.

I do have to say though, that it's pretty impressive that you're able to keep your account steadily increasing. When I first read the thread, I believe it was 70$ or so, now seems to be working towards 100$. That obviously speaks to your trading ability, man.

I've had a rough past few days but nothing account breaking. My account is currently at $87.03 as of right now.I'm trading off the 5min chart in the direction of the hourly chart.I'm happy that my account is not being drawn down a great deal but not happy that I'm not growing it the way I would like.My daily goal is to average 0.50% per day. This will allow me to average 10% per month so it will be a challenge to me but I'm all up for it.I believe I got my paint program back up and running so I will be posting charts again.I know on my account of $87 my profits won't be much but I'm not concerned with that right now. I want to start trading profitably and consistently. Once I do that, I will then work on a plan to increase my account size at that point.

The right attitude I think. My son is displaying this type of attitude perfectly right now. Every time I hold him vertical, he tries to walk, but he can barely hold his head up yet. Gotta take "baby steps" in the direction that you want to go.


I was wondering what happened to you. Yes, we all must strike while the iron is hot.

I'm just trying to see my dreams become a reality. Like I said, I'm no longer concerned with the amount that I make. I know that if I trade correctly, the money will come. So I strive to trade correctly and let everything else fall into place as it may.

Hey, sorry for the long pause, but I had a good amount of freelance work fall into my lap and, you know, have to make the hay while the sun shines. I can understand a guy who wants to trade for the sake of trading, or "for the process", because it's just something they enjoy to do. But I can't understand how a person could honestly believe that they can take a micro-account and become a multimillionaire with FOREX. I might as well try to pass a camel through the eye of a needle. All the literature I've read about this has pointed straight to the fact that to bank big, you need to already have a big bank! I can only do what makes me happy and what is good for my family, because that makes me happy, too. I do have to say though, that it's pretty impressive that you're able to keep your account steadily increasing. When I first read the thread, I believe it was 70$ or so, now seems to be working towards 100$. That obviously speaks to your trading ability, man.

That my friend is just the beginning of it. Once he is able to get a few feet on his own that's when the real fun begins. It goes from just walking to getting into everything much quicker because he will be able to get around much quicker.

I remember when my son was still a baby and it was so fun. To this day one of my more favorite memories is when he first learned to go up and down the steps and he would crawl up the steps. The best part was he would not go down them the correct way. He would get to the top of the steps, get on his belly and slide down the steps backwards. Even to this day, seeing him do that, especially as he got older and he would slide down backwards faster and faster is still one of my favorite things to think back on.

I will give you some advice that was given to me by my sons godfather on the day my son was born. If you don't listen to anything I say, listen to this. Cherish every moment, every single second. There will be days when the lack of sleep sees to be killing you. The frustration of feeling like you are not doing enough or you can't handle any more. The tension that it may bring into your relationship with your wife. No matter what the situation, cherish every single second because you never get that time back. Once it's gone, it's gone. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, having a baby is the most enjoying thing in the world but it also comes with it's share of agony at times.

Do everything you can with him and for him because there will come a day when he no longer needs you to hold his bottle or change his diaper or feed him. As crazy as it may sound right now, when those days come, you will miss them very much. You will miss him being dependent on you. Even if it means you free up time for other things, you still will miss him needing you for everything. So my advice to you is, cherish all of it...the good and the bad. Cherish the times he fills his diaper up and it creeps up his back and you have to give him a bath just a few minutes after you already gave him one...nasty but it's the truth.

Cherish the days when you and your wife are heading to take him to the zoo for the first time and you are already running late and as soon as you strap him in his car seat, he throws up all over his new clothes and you as well...making you even more late because now you both have to get cleaned up. Cherish it all because those memories are going to be the only thing you have to hold onto when he is 4 like my son and wants no help for anything.

I know this maybe my trading journal but I love my family just like you love yours so I enjoy having conversations about family.

The right attitude I think. My son is displaying this type of attitude perfectly right now. Every time I hold him vertical, he tries to walk, but he can barely hold his head up yet. Gotta take "baby steps" in the direction that you want to go.

My ending balance on Friday was $86.14.

I have transferred the $6.14 into a sub account, leaving my primary account at $80.00.

I will be testing something on the 1min chart with the $6.14.

I will be posting my primary and sub account balances each day as I conclude my trading for that day.


I'm going to hold off on the sub account for right now. I had a losing day today. My current account balance is $84.45.


I did not have any trades last night so my account balance is still at $84.45.