NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 5


I was able to make 6% on my trading account today. I took my trading account from $104 to $110.

My step daughters 8th birthday is tomorrow so tonight I will be baking cupcakes, cleaning house and getting party bags together. Not to mention cooking dinner because my girlfriend has to work, so my afternoon is full. I'm hoping to have some energy left to trade the Europe session but if I'm unable to do so, I will trade the US session tomorrow morning.

I'm just trying to take it one trade at a time. My thought process is if I can stay focused and remember to take it one trade at a time, I will eventually reach my goal. The way I see it is kinda like trying to reach the end of The Great Wall in China. Last time I checked, from start to finish, the Great Wall is over 3,800 miles long. The task to reach the end can be daunting if you think about all of those miles but if you take it one step at a time and keep going forward, eventually you will reach the top.

I view my trading in the same manner.


Great Job, your outlook is right on!

Keep pressing toward the goal, one step at a time.


I was able to make 6% on my trading account today. I took my trading account from $104 to $110. My step daughters 8th birthday is tomorrow so tonight I will be baking cupcakes, cleaning house and getting party bags together. Not to mention cooking dinner because my girlfriend has to work, so my afternoon is full. I'm hoping to have some energy left to trade the Europe session but if I'm unable to do so, I will trade the US session tomorrow morning. I'm just trying to take it one trade at a time. My thought process is if I can stay focused and remember to take it one trade at a time, I will eventually reach my goal. The way I see it is kinda like trying to reach the end of The Great Wall in China. Last time I checked, from start to finish, the Great Wall is over 3,800 miles long. The task to reach the end can be daunting if you think about all of those miles but if you take it one step at a time and keep going forward, eventually you will reach the top. I view my trading in the same manner.

Thanks Monarch. I'm really making sure that I take my trading very serious this time around. All of my hangups in the past have been because of my own lack of focus.

Like they say, to have something different, you have to do something different so I'm making sure I do something different this time around.

Great Job, your outlook is right on! Keep pressing toward the goal, one step at a time. Cheers

Today was a rough trading day today. It was nothing that I can't and won't get back. I lost a total of -4% today.

I only took two trade for the day because it's my step daughters birthday so I've been pretty busy. I'm looking to trade tonight during the Europe session and have a much better day.

My current trading balance is $106.13.

Chat later.


I was able to bounce back today with my trading. I pulled 3% profit out of the market and took my trading account from $106 to $109.

I more than likely won't be doing any trading again until the Europe session Friday morning.

If I get any chance to trade before then, it will only be the upcoming Europe session.

Just incase I don't start trading again until Friday I want to wish everybody a very wonderful Thansgiving. I'm so thankful for all that I have in my life. I would be lying if I said that at times I did not wish and think for a better life but I have a life and that's the most important thing. I'm determined to make my life the best it can be and I'm thankful to live in a country where that is a possibility. I don't want to preach to anybody but no matter if you are a democrat, republican or any other party never forget that we live in a country where you can dictate what you become in life.

If you want to be a doctor, you can...if you want to be a teacher, you can...if you want to be a janitor, you can and if you want to be a forex trader, you can. Never lose sight of that.

When I go through a rough patch and hard times I always remind myself that people die trying to get into the United States of America. People will leave everything they have behind and everything they have ever know for a piece of the American Dream. Then I think about how I was born here and have the ability to becoming anything I won't. When I look at and think about those who risk their lives to come here, it really puts things into perspective for me. This is why I strive so hard to obtain the life that I want.

I'm not here trying to debate whether you think America is a great country. I'm just giving my own opinion and thoughts.

So enjoy time with your loved ones, eat some good food and never forget that we all are great. We all can achieve anything we want and I truly hope that your dreams come true and you always remember to NeverQuit!


I just wanted to create a post saying how great I feel today. I don't have anything more than what I had yesterday. I'm still unemployed, in a financial struggle and might I add my gas light has been on for a day in my car! Even with all of the struggles that I have experienced in my life, especially the past few years, I still feel like the luckiest man in the world.

Just to wake up with my kids under one roof, their health is great and the ability to love is the best thng in the world to me. I have the most beautiful family in the world and it means so much to me that we love each other the way we do. I know this is a trading website and maybe not the most appropriate place to express my feelings like this but I just had to let it be known.

I know that families can be the toughest part of ones life at times. Just like no one individual is perfect, no family is perfect. We all have our scratches and flaws but that makes us who we are. Those struggles make us the beautiful people we are.

So with all of this being said, make sure you understand just how great you are. Never forget that and also NeverQuit!

I will be creating another post in a few to openly display my actual goals. I'm trading and taking it very slow but I do have goals and I'm going to put them out there.


Okay, this is my post to divulge my trading goals to everybody. I know that most people keep this type of information to theirselves but I'm not like most people. You already have seen that I'm giving my live account balance. Although it's not much, many people still would keep that information personal. My view is, its just money...nothing more...nothing less.

So let me tell you what my trading goals are. Actually first I want to give you a quick wrap up of my past goals. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was one of those people who just knew I was going to make millions from trading. Nobody could have told me any different. I knew I would have the multi million dollar home with the $100k cars. Boy is my reality far from that.

Now I'm sure there are people who actually have those things from trading. I don't doubt that one bit. The truth of the matter is for me though, I'm far from that and focusing on that in the past has only hindered my progress.

So I did some serious thinking a few months back and decided that I needed to go over my goals again. So here is what I came up with. I've decided to base my goals over where I want to be in life 5 years from now. My goal is to make $10k per month from my trading 5 years from now.

My math is not the best in the world but I use a spreadsheet to help me figure this next part out. With a balance of $100, I need to make 12% per month over the next 5 years in order to reach my goal of $10k per month in 5 years. I trade 20 days per month so that means I need to average 0.60% per day to reach my goal.

I risk 2% per trade and my risk to reward ratio is always 1:1 minimum. So one winner actually doubles what I need to reach my goal. Of course I will not win every trade or everyday so it all comes down to what I can average over this span.

I'm going to do everything in my power to reach my goal. I turn 29 years old on Wednesday and I'm looking forward to pushing as hard as I can to reach my goals and dreams.

I'm also going to start another thread dedicated strictly to trading off the Weekly chart. Right now my weekly trading will be strictly demo trading. My live broker is Oanda so I will use them for my demo trading as well. The purpose of getting involved in weekly trading is because I want to be able to take advantage of the trends that the market goes on. Another reason is because my financial situation is still up in the air and if I get a job I know my intraday trading will be limited so I want to find another way to also make pips. My goal is to continue to trade on an intraday basis like I do now and also add weekly trading to my arsenal. At that point I will just focus on those two styles of trading and continue to perfect my craft.

Enough yapping from me. I will chat later.


Hello all, just wanted to express my feelings here today. I'm down to $95 in my trading account which is not bad but I feel like I'm drowning. I feel like I'm heading in the wrong direction day after day.

Hopefully trading for everybody else is going great. I need to get some things back on track if I want to be successful at this trading business.

More to come.


Today I had a small losing day of a little more than -2%. My current account balance is $92.90.

I'm done trading for the day as I have a few errands to run today. It's also my 29th birthday so I have to get ready to go and eat some lunch.

I hope you all had a successful trading day today. I will post later on.

I also realized that my posting has been limited and it has not been due to me being busy...just forgetful and lazy. So I'm going to start posting more often like I was in the beginning of my thread starting tonight. I know I can make it in this business so I must get back on track.

Chat later.


My low point of the week in my account this week was $90. I had another small loss yesterday and that took my account from $92 to $90.

Today I was able to get my feet back on solid ground and was able to make make 6% and get my account to $95.21.

After having a tough week I realize just why I love this business. I love challenges. I look forward to trading my account back to the high point it has been at ($109) and then past that point.

I'm going to review my trades over the weekend as my kids will be at their grandparents house and my girlfriend has to work this weekend. So I will be able to view my charts without taking away from my family time and then I will try to pinpoint what I may have done wrong this week.

I wish you all a great weekend and hope that you were able to pull some nice profits out of the market this week.