NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 4


I've decided to take the rest of the week of from trading and enjoy time with my family. My kids have a few plays this week at school and I just finished helping my mom move yesterday. I will be back to trading on Monday night during the Europe session.

For those who are trading, I wish you nothing but success and remember to spend time with your loved ones as much as you can. I know the allure of money can be tempting to trade all the time but never forget that the money should never be the most important aspect of your trading, at least in my opinion.

Enjoy your week and good trading to you all!


Well my friends, my trip to St. Tropez was wonderful (I really did not go to St. Tropez but since I took some time off, I figured I would mentally go on vacation).

I will be back at my normal trading routine on Monday. I hope that you all have been enjoying time with your loved ones and having some success with your trading.

I will post my trading results again starting on Monday.


For those who have read my previous post, you know that I truly love my family and I want to be successful in my trading for them. Well after having my 4 year old son come to me in my bedroom while I was watching the movie Fred Clause, I have decided that I will empty my trading account out a week before Christmas and use that money for gifts for my family. It won't be much but it will give each of my kids one extra present to open up.

After doing that, I will make a deposit into my trading account and continue my journey to changing my life. I understand I don't have much money so even if the deposit is $20, I will begin there and trade that without taking any money out until I have reached at least $5k.


I have decided to withdraw my funds early. My initial plan was to wait until a week before Christmas but I decided to withdraw my funds now and use that money for gifts for my kids.

My thought process is that I can't predict the future so I wanted to take the money while I had it. I kept $8 in my trading account so I can still trade. I will continue to post my trading results.


It's amazing how when you don't expect anything great to happen to you, it does. After making my withdrawal of my funds for my kids Christmas presents, I got a message from a friend who said that they admired my love for my family. I thought that was very kind, given they did not have to say anything at all.

To make matters even more shocking they gave me $100 to put back into my trading account to continue trading. I was and still am in shock. I was not expecting anything like that at all.

I was just doing what I feel my duties are as a father.

So thanks to this great person, I was able to deposit $100 back into my trading account and the deposit has already been credited to my trading account.

It feels good to have people in your life who believe in you and want to see you succeed.

I will be trading tonight and post my results like I have in the past.


Today has been a pretty crazy trading day. I can't seem to get my feet on solid ground. I am down today but nothing gigantic. Im down -2.01% for the day so that is a normal losing day.

I'm going to sit on the side until the Asia session and see what happens then. As of right now my balance is $100.33 thanks to my friend who gave me the $100 to continue trading with.

I will post later in the day as I begin trading again.


I had a few traders along the way tell me to quit trading when I had a certain number of losses, and I thought, okay......

But to be honest, I have made more on those days after I stuck with it and focused more on what I was doing wrong.

Use those losses to direct you in your entries, and take small bites back till you get those losses back in your account.

Take every trade one at a time, NEVER QUIT



Thanks Monarch. That's great advice. I never thought about doing that but I can see how that can help one along in their trading career. When things get tough, you can't always run and hide.

I was able to make a few positive trades and get some of my losses back. My current balance is now $93.68.

I will be trading again tonight once the volatility picks back up during the London session.

I wil post more results then.

I had a few traders along the way tell me to quit trading when I had a certain number of losses, and I thought, okay......But to be honest, I have made more on those days after I stuck with it and focused more on what I was doing wrong.Use those losses to direct you in your entries, and take small bites back till you get those losses back in your account.Take every trade one at a time, NEVER QUIT Cheers

I took the advice that was given to me by Monarch and was able to get my trading back on track. I'm currently in a long trade and have my stop moved to break even. So my worse case scenario on the day is I will have made 6% profit for the day.

I felt much better trading today. Yesterday I felt like I was chasing the market and forcing trades. Today I was patient and waited for the trade to come to me.

Once my trade is complete, I will post again with the results.


Well my friends, my last trade closed out for a profit and I was able to add to the position to pick up even some more profits. I ended up making a little bit more than 11% profit for the day. I started my trading day with $93 and ended with $103.94.

I was much more patient today with my trading and things went much better. I'm going to remember this experience for when I begin trading again on Monday. I must remember to stay patient and wait for the trades to come to me.

Enjoy your weekend and I will post later. Spend time with your loved ones!