If you start a business - page 3


To start a business we need a demo account, because the demo account it will allow us to practice the skills of trading well, therefore, we have to use demo account well and after that could try to trade using small capital first


To start this business, then we need to use a demo account, with a demo account that will allow us to train the ability to trade well, so it will allow us to trade with the maximum. And we can start trading using small capital used to like $ 1


I also think that without demo account traders should not start live trading. This practice will make them experienced in trading they will do less mistakes in live trading. Live trading should also start with low capital and try to manage it to see how much you get skill for real trading.


if we want to start trading forex is well then we need to be able to have good preparation when trading, so it will allow us to trade with the maximum. Forex has many risks so as to be successful in this business so we need to always have a lot of good trading skills


we can start with the basics first before practice forex trading. With forex basics well then we can practice trading. We can start from the video tutorial and then practice in a demo account


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to start the business, we need a demo account, with the demo account then we will be able to learn trading. after account demo then we can start trading in a real account using little capital or with no deposit bonus


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to start the business, we need to have a lot of knowledge and skills of good trading. Forex is a business that has a lot of risk so that we should have good preparation when trading to make a profit in this business