Trade FOREX with less stress - page 3


we can not be successful in forex trading when we are stressed. trading should be with a fresh mind. This concerns the psychology of trading. Traders who have a good psychology then trading will be successful. Should have minimal stress. By listening to music when trading then we can make our mind becomes calm. So our decision will be right


Stress is the killer of iur trade and we can loose our all money if we have no control over our stress. I think it is the main mistake a trader can do when he lost in trade.


when we trade, it would be better if it was not stress, because the stress that we are not going to make the right decision. To get a good trading results we should be able to have a good psychology. As a first step try to trade using small capital.


Most of the traders want to become rich very quickly it is not right. Yes you can become rich in Forex but you need lot of education and knowledge about Forex. So be patient and trade Forex with after getting some knowledge.

Most of the traders want to become rich very quickly it is not right. Yes you can become rich in Forex but you need lot of education and knowledge about Forex. So be patient and trade Forex with after getting some knowledge.

This is the very first mistake why new traders end up wiping out there accounts and blame their brokers. It takes time, effort, essential skill and knowledge to become successful and profitable in this field.


gbp aud

On the H4 chart the price is on %78.6 level. Based on the price and MACD formation. We are expecting to see its growth by having the move confirmed by the hidden positive divergence.

Forex Analysis

gbp_aud.gif  22 kb

trading can make us stress. for that, we need to trade peacefully without stress. As we know that stress will only worsen our trade. if we stress when trading then we will not get maximum results


For many traders there is stress in forex trading because for the most part we cannot control news, emotions and even wrong analysis. The main thing to lower your stress is to control the one thing you have 100% control over = Money management. If your trading heavy and risking large % of your account, then i bet youll be waking up in the middle of the night to look at your terminal.

Risk less than 2% per trade (newbie 1% or less). If you hit your stoploss then you know there will be no wipe out, just trust your analysis, set and forget. If your trade comes out wrong analyze what might have caused the loss and try to prevent next time.


to be able to get the maximum trading results then we should not be trading in a state of stress, because stress will have a negative effect on our trading, and therefore do not let us stress when trading. For minimize stress we need to create conditions conducive trading like listening music when trading


Forex can make me stress because in forex trading too much risk, and therefore we need to continue to improve the ability of a good trading so that risks can be minimized with good happen and create conditions conducive trading