All Talk And No Action?


Does anyone find it funny that we as Forex traders are always looking for the "new, magic profit system"? There's got to be a million different ideas out there on how to make a consistent Forex income stream, and somehow or the other we get it in our head that we've got to know all of them.

Here's a radical thought: what about sticking to a strategy, and working on our entries, exits and money management so that we're improving on it day by day, instead of starting from scratch with a new system every few weeks?

What about automating our strategy so that it takes us out of the active trader seat and into the trading system management role? After all, we didn't get into this business to be stuck in front of the computer all day long.

I know it's not fun, doesn't sound all too exciting, but bottom line: it's profitable.




But it also doesn't take 30mins like it says in your signature:-)

Trading takes time and effort. And you do need to put in the hours in front of the screen in my opinion.


Good point Hooya.

Of course nobody can master Forex trading in just 30 minutes, but anyone can learn a repeatable process for making a Forex passive income in less than half an hour. I'm dead certain of that, and I'll lay it all bare right here for anyone to see.

Anyone who is just starting out in Forex is at a huge disadvantage, because they don't have a proven, profitable Forex trading system in place to earn that Forex income. That means that they could spend months or even years learning the "skill" of trading Forex.

Do we go and take a medical degree if we have a cold? Of course not! Same thing when it comes to trading. Not every one of us can become a millionaire Forex trader or a world famous surgeon. But if you can avoid the mistake of not having a proven, profitable Forex trading system, and manage your money well, you have in place a process for making a consistent income from Forex for life!

It can be that simple. Not easy, but from what I can see we tend to overcomplicate things.



According to my research work I came to know that forex trade members are only talking and not take necessary actions regarding the business policy very seriously.Business related decision is a hardcore decision.Business is a combination of hard work and luck.Lots of innovative ideas in the business are required but it's not possible in this matter.

Does anyone find it funny that we as Forex traders are always looking for the "new, magic profit system"?

We all looking for free and easy money and there is nothing special in this. Humans are lazy creatures, they want to make millions laying on the couch.

Does anyone find it funny that we as Forex traders are always looking for the "new, magic profit system"? There's got to be a million different ideas out there on how to make a consistent Forex income stream, and somehow or the other we get it in our head that we've got to know all of them.Here's a radical thought: what about sticking to a strategy, and working on our entries, exits and money management so that we're improving on it day by day, instead of starting from scratch with a new system every few weeks?What about automating our strategy so that it takes us out of the active trader seat and into the trading system management role? After all, we didn't get into this business to be stuck in front of the computer all day long.I know it's not fun, doesn't sound all too exciting, but bottom line: it's profitable.Thoughts?Thad

So what point exactly, are you trying to make? By the way, how true is your add


No we just not only talking here without trading.I am sharing my personal experiences and most of the discussion is done after I had traded on demo and real accounts. I think we can suggest and advise new traders to avoid same mistakes.