

I've been trading for over 2 years now (demo and live). I know, that's still relatively new, but it's not working out.

I've been reading and testing and reading and testing and reading and testing and reading and testing and reading and testing and ...

I'm tired. So tired. I wasted so much time infront of my computer.. For nothing. I was, and still am, an addict.

I was not looking to earn a second income, or to get rich. All I needed was anything that could help me save up 15k for an urgently-needed new roof. I'm not highly-educated. I don't have a big income. As a lot of people, I need money desperatly, and have no other place to go to.

Are there people here that just like me, feel they are addicted?


If forex or trading in general doesn't work for you, I think you will find something else better for making money.


Dear friend I belive so many thousnad of peopel are like u thats why these ea keeps on coming in the market but the thing is u can not predict if u make money or lose it its not a regular job!its easy to make and its easy to lose is hard to find the right system, forex is a live it sence what we do and it can east us alive!it


I've been trading for over 2 years now (demo and live). I know, that's still relatively new, but it's not working out. I've been reading and testing and reading and testing and reading and testing and reading and testing and reading and testing and ...I'm tired. So tired. I wasted so much time infront of my computer.. For nothing. I was, and still am, an addict.I was not looking to earn a second income, or to get rich. All I needed was anything that could help me save up 15k for an urgently-needed new roof. I'm not highly-educated. I don't have a big income. As a lot of people, I need money desperatly, and have no other place to go to. Are there people here that just like me, feel they are addicted?

The sad truth is that the failure rate in Forex trading is exceptionally high. Somewhere about 95% of forex traders blow their money. You should try to demo trade different strategies, learn from any mistakes and better the strategy that shows signs of working. The other truth is that if you haven't learnt how to control your emotions in Forex trading, then that is a sure road to failure. You have to have a strategy and you must stick to it. Sometimes you will make losses, that is just a fact in Forex trading.


Well I would like to suggest you to spend limited amount of hours during the trading time and do it in a smart way. Don't take lots of time and do some useful work excluding this online trading


Yep I definitely feel like I'm addicted after starting in forex a little over a week ago but I'm winning so it's not necessarily a bad thing.


If your truely feel addicted ...then try to stop and if you can't speak to someone about it. Trading is not worth risking your family, house. life for.

Its reallly important that you don't let it take over your life.

I have seen several people online lose everything because the could not stop trading. People laugh at me when I say I haven't traded for a good few months but the reality is I am not addicted. If I feel I can't commit the time and don't have profitable strategy at the moment then there is no point in trading.

Trading to lose (like a lot of people do) is very stressful and not worth the hassle.

You say you weren't looking for 2nd income but for £15k? £15k imo is a second income. How much did you have to trade? To make £15 I would guess most would need £15k in capital .

I think the main issue is that traders feel like everyone is making money but not them. The reality is more than likely the person who you think is making money is not. You are not alone. Don't end up like them throwing good money after bad.


everywhere I look, it says never trade / gamble with money you cant aford to lose, dont trade with more money then 2 % of you bankroll / account balance, and never let feelings run your trades....

As an newbie I understad your frustration...

how much is realistic to make in profit per year ?

if i start trading with a small account at 300 euro ?

sorry for borrowing the thread...


"how much is realistic to make in profit per year ?

if i start trading with a small account at 300 euro ?"

In my opinion you will not end the year in profit. I personally think you will lose the 300 euro with in a month.

Not trying to judge you but that is the reality of starting trading.


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