Profitable Signals - page 5


waiting Monday morning...

Europe Opens 36 Hrs 16 Min

London Opens 37 Hrs 16 Min

New York Opens 42 Hrs 16 Min

Sydney Opens 27 Hrs 16 Min

Tokyo Opens 30 Hrs 16 Min

Hong Kong Opens 31 Hrs 16 Min


Markets are range bound and do not offer high probability setups for now. We will remain sidelined until 1200 GMT update


Still waiting for the right setups.



We are still sidelined.

will look for setups tomorrow.


Appology for the delay, my internet was down.

BUY LIMIT-- EJ -- 113.72 -- SL 113.36

BUY STOP-AJ -- 78.58 -- SL 78

TP-50, 70, 120


Hey! I have news for you!.

From August 6, the tradefxsignals yahoo group will no longer receive the signals. The provider has now his own website:

You can register on the website to continue receiving free signals.

Moreover, there is a tempting offer to get:

  • Set & Forget Signals 0800, 1200, 1600 GMT
  • Intra-Day Signals (U.S. & London Session)
  • Traders Live Chat
  • Risk Management & Position Sizing
  • Mentorship
  • FX Analysis - Coming Soon
  • Managed FX - Coming Soon

All for only $39 per month! not bad at all! I think the price is the lowest among those of the competition and also the services offered are much more!

Do not know about you, but I think I'll try.

However, this thread will remain open and I will continue to update it with the free signals until the provider will let me.

Profitable trading will continue!


GBP/JPY: Buy STOP 137.060, SL 136.600

AUD/JPY: Buy STOP 78.59, SL, 78. 20

EUR/JPY – Filled and runnin


From August 6, the tradefxsignals yahoo group will no longer receive the signals.

So hurry up all to register free on to continue receiving the free signals in your e-mail box.