Demo versus Live Trading - page 5


Demo account is an initial step towards live trading as it helps understanding the trade processes, testing any new brokers or strategies before implementing them to live accounts.


Yes both are same but with demo trading you can trade without any real money and there is no fear of loss your money but in real trading you can invest and can loose and get profit as well.


Demo account is theoretical in nature, while a Live account is Practical. What do I mean? Trading with a Demo account extinguishes the emotions needed for trading. Since it is devoid of emotions and real money, it cannot do for you what a Live account will. For this reason, it cannot precisely evaluate a trader's trading abilities. But I am not in any way saying Demo account doesn't have great benefits, especially when it comes to testing the performance of a trading plan and also for traders education purposes. I am only making the differences clear.


That happens risks in the forex is very large. Price is always changing forex market is unstable. We have to avoid that risk. The easiest way is we have to discipline our trading. With discipline, we can avoid the risk. So the result will be maximum.


Demo Trading is the best way to learn about the Live Trading. Live Trading is helpful to earn money. Demo can help you to learn how to deal with the live trading.