A-B-C-D Trade - page 234


Same split-screen, except we switch sides.

Left is 15-min with session colors and MML.

Right is PSQ9, with Ichimoku.

Last post has SELL during U.S session with hit to the Moon 180 as top, eventually declining to Moon 135,

Now, we had price rise above Asian High. Because we had acquired the PSQ9, we are able to see resistance at the same Moon 180 (yellow), and Mars 0-degree.

Not shown is directional fib plot on 15-min. It has 161.8 extension at the top. The MML +1/8th also occupies similar level as Mars 0-degree.

Decline now at +33 pips.

EUR-USD_10-7.jpg  156 kb

Moodys cut credit rating on 12 U.K. financial institutions, per bloomberg.

We'll have to call this chart "The Moody Blues".

FC pulled from Moon 90 up to Moon 180. Top is the FC 138.2. Bounce down the the FC 100, which is the same as the Moon 270.


Meanwhile EUR/USD has just hit the Moon 135 as support for now.


12:30 is the U.S. Non-Farms Payrolls and Unemployment Rate.


The Sept. NFP came out double the projected number, at 103K. Aug number revised from 0 to 57K.

Unemployment remains at 9.1%.

Attached is EUR/USD same PSQ9 chart. To get expansion levels to upside, we plot FC from Moon 90 pulling up to 180-degree.

The 31.4% is first level and market currently pulling back from that level.


Our SDC plot from yesterday:

Oct 3rd 10:00 to Oct 5th 18:00

Currently upper channel acting as resistance. Can use FC to plot higher levels should breakout to upside hold.


Update on 3charts.

Chart 1 is SPX500 removed Bullish Butterfly for better viewing. We had plotted FC based on ZUP generated TLs.

Expansion levels are in blue, and market hit the FC100.

We added FC to APF's lower and middle forks, which generated expansion levels to upside in yellow sloping down. The 4-hour 12:00 candle high met the blue FC100 and yellow 138.2.

Chart 2 is the EUR/USD 1-Hour SDC. Aligning FC to middle and pulling up to the upper channel line produced the FC 31.4 expansion that held as resistance, prior to dive post-Fitch. Guess we'll call this chart "Life is a Fitch".

Price stalled near mid-channel (mean), and currently dipping below. Support at lower channel.

Chart 3 is EUR/USD 1-Hour PSQ9 where 18:00 candle is shown to hve bounced off Moon 90-degree.


To the left is start of week, where we saw a bounce down off the first hit to a Moon (0-degree) line, A.K.A. Moonraker Trade.

Not shown is the FC aligned to Moon 90, and pulled down to the Moon 0-degree. This produced the -31.4% line for S/L. We also have a -40% level on the FC for specific S/L after cushion.

That S/L of .8640 held, despite the whipsaw during the Oct 3rd 08:00 period (due to data). Entry = .8600, TP1 = .8650 at Mars 90, TP2 = .8535 at 138.2 horizontal extension.


Fibo fan plot (blue) Low = Oct 4th 07:00 .8533 High = Oct 6th 15:00 .8724

Horizontal fib plot: High = Oct 6th 15:00 .8724 Low = Oct 7th 12:00 .8636

After the Fitch news, price broke out from consolidation support at Mars 180, to make a 138.2 to downside. Probe to fan's 78.6.

EUR-GBP_10-7.jpg  150 kb

As a footnote, each week the Moon lines move upward from the previous week. This distance is 31.4%. There's that number again.


Update on USD/CHF 1-hour PSQ9 chart.

Plot of FC from Mars 180 pulled down to Mars 90-degree. We added the 127.2 extension ratio for this chart as it acted as support after yesterday's 12:00 reversal.

Resistance of that channel at FC 100, which is the same as Mars 0-degree.

When we are using 90-degree intervals, a FC 100 is a 100% expansion/extension. 180 - 90 X 100% = 0-degree level. Level below that is 270. Remember 0-degree is the same as 360-degree.

At 15:00 today, price made a full 100% retrace (blue) to Oct 4th 20:00 low of .91447. Then came the Fitch downgrades, and this pair spiked up to the FC 31.4.

Quick bounce trades made about 30 pips from revisit of low. Couldn't predict the Fitch event, and exiting ahead of weekend.


Here's the last chart of USD/CHF, with fibs removed. We're going to look at the diagonal Moon lines, which are set 90-degrees apart.

We mentioned that the new week has the Moon lines rise 31.4% from the previous week.

We colored the previous week's Moon 180 and 270-degree lines in white, and extended them into the current week that started Oct 2nd.

We changed the color of the current week's 180 and 270 to aqua blue.

Current week:

* The lower white line in the new week is the 31.4% extension down from a plot of the blue 270 to Blue 180.

* The upper blue line is the 31.4% extension up from a plot of white to white.

Since the Moon lines looks like they bend a little as time elapses, it's not a perfect representation of the slope when we carry the white lines into the new week using the trendline tool.

This explains the 31.4 extensions.


We've only mentioned this once or twice. Price tends to bounce at Moon/Mars intersections (see 1-hour). It can happen once or twice per week, and sometimes not at all during a particular week.

It depends on where the Mars lines are in relation to the Moon line, since the Moon lines move week-to-week. When Mars lines start each week at or near the Moon lines, we will not see them cross.

Right now, they start in the middle between the Moon lines, thus we see intersections.

These points are projected into the future, which means you know when to watch for it, and/or set an alarm using trendline alert tools such as the Chin Breakout.

Still have to know how to trade it. What kind of stop-loss to use? Well, one example has been been posted lately: 31.4%. Other options include MML, and horizontal fibs.

Intersections from Aug 1st:

8-03 09:00 high = Sell

8-10 04:00 low = BUY

8-25 14:00 low = BUY

9-01 00:00 low = BUY (Loss)

9-07 13:00 low = BUY

9-15 12:00 low = BUY

9-15 18:00 high = SELL

9-23 08:00 high = SELL

9-23 11:00 low = BUY

9-23 08:00 high = SELL

10-06 04:00 low = BUY

10-06 18:00 high = SELL

All signals won except for 1, and gains were at least 31.4%.

Will name this the Shaker trade. Here's link to that tune by Spyro Gyra:

Spyro Gyra - Shaker Song - YouTube

No, we don't mind that this info is buried in this thread/site, with only occasional mention. Work, study hard, and be humble.

