The final Holy Grail! - page 10


Sell short USD/JPY at 91.80, waiting for closing position. (Safe position)

Sell short USD/JPY at 91.80, waiting for closing position. (Safe position)

Close USD/JPY trade at 91.36


Here is the statement of the trades of the day.


Here is the statement of the day and past 3 trading days.

Buy EUR/USD at 1.1931, waiting for closing position. (Safe position)

Close EUR/USD trade at 1.1984


Here is the statement of the trades of the day.


Hi there Holy Grail Master

I have been looking at your results. Are you trading on a real live account or on demo account. If you are on a live account have you made your first million yet.


Here is the statement of the trades of the day.
I did not open this thread to share my strategy, but only to share my results and to prove that the 100% winning strategy does exist.I don't need, neither, to test or improve my strategy, it's already done, and does work on all pairs, it took me months and months for developing this "Holy Grail".

Hey sell it to me


Dear fellows, I'm pleased to announce you that you can follow my trades "Live" through this website and here is the link:


Here is the statement this week..
