10 Steps to Investing


1. Review your current financial situation.

2. Ensure you have adequate savings for unexpected circumstances.

3. Ensure you understand the risk and reward involved in investing and spread the risk of investing by diversifying your portfolio.

4. Ensure you understand the type of investment, the benefits and the risks of the investment you decide to agree to.

5. If there are aspects you are not sure about or if you require advice contact an Independent Financial Advisor.

6. Understand what charges you will incur.

7. Check your investment performance on a regular basis.

8. Keep documentation of your investments.

9. Ensure you update your details if you change address/name.

10. Use any tax breaks that are available to you such as ISAs.

Fortunate Management India


do not put more than 10% of Your money on fx acc. For the first depo no more than 500$.

do not put more than 10% of Your money on fx acc. For the first depo no more than 500$.

yes i agree with u, maximum is 10% for trading


Excellent tips here thanks for sharing


I look into a sector that have a little knowledge about or use in my everyday life. for e.g i buy flower for presents during mothers day from the flowers store 1-800- flowers. so i take a look at 1-800-flowers as a company whose stock i may want to buy.


And do you remember that formula about the 10th part of your bank deposit or somehow like that? it is about money that you can use for investing (read risking!)

do not put more than 10% of Your money on fx acc. For the first depo no more than 500$.

that is even too much for the first depo


10 steps to investing are as bellow :

1. Finding a stock.

2. Fundamental Analysis.

3. Technical Analysis.

4. Follow your choices.

5. Keeping an eye on the bigger picture.

6. assessment

7. establish your goals

8. constructing investment portfolio

9. monitoring your investment

do not put more than 10% of Your money on fx acc. For the first depo no more than 500$.

Good suggestion! First deposit can be 100-200 just for taste of money!


Great tips for forex traders especially for the beginners to not lose too much money.


now i got one useful tip for me being a beginner. thanks a lot to all of you guys.