Best trading system for 2010


Which trading system is going to dominate in 2010 in your opinion?

Which trading system is going to dominate in 2010 in your opinion?

I dont know which system will be the hype from 2010 but i am sure there will be another holy grail what thousands will buy to find out it that there is no holy grail.

I dont know which system will be the hype from 2010 but i am sure there will be another holy grail what thousands will buy to find out it that there is no holy grail.

I prefer using free robots and I think I am not the only one


Hi Miller

I expect USDBOT to take the Forex market by storm..

I dont know which system will be the hype from 2010 but i am sure there will be another holy grail what thousands will buy to find out it that there is no holy grail.

hahaha! i think this year things are gonna get even more amazing!


tommyfourth, A great forex system means you need to constantly have high probability trades.

Hi MillerI expect USDBOT to take the Forex market by storm..


speaking of USDNOT, anybody know anything about the gbpbot, looks very much like it's from the same idiots just wondering if anyone has any idea.




i just started my trading about 16 weeks ago.fxfisherman give me a lot of ideas, information to start my trading.

thank you

fxfisherman is the best


The best forex trading system will provide all of the necessary tools, including a user friendly interface to demonstrate the proper time to invest..


I think the best system is one that you personally develop, because you'd understand how to modify it as the market changes plus it would also be suited to your style of trading and emotional habits


People understand that labeling is the probability of things, and then quickly forget that so are the leaves. I do not know any other way you can win without the long-term, low risk and the winners and losers of the current were rejected.