My daily Trading


I've decided to start placing my trades here. If for no other reason than to rremain HONEST with myself, keep a disciplined trading system, and - for lack of a better word - keep myself accountable. To others here? Yes, in a way. But mostly, accountable to myself and my system.

In coming days I'll be posting what my system is, how I trade, and when I trade. Not to show anyone of any great system but, as I said, to keep myself accountable and motivated to move on to bigger and better things.

So, here's to wishing everyone a GREAT year of trading. It's the first day of the New Year, all things are equal, we're starting fresh and ready to go.

We'll see in a year from now how things are. Will I still be here? As the ole's saying goes, only time will tell!!

I will state right up front, I don't trade every day. Actually, because of time constraints, I don't trade very much at all. But, do try to remain somewhat consistent. AS I said, time will tell...

Also, I need to learn how to place charts on my posts. Maybe someone can help me on this one???

I've decided to start placing my trades here. If for no other reason than to rremain HONEST with myself, keep a disciplined trading system, and - for lack of a better word - keep myself accountable. To others here? Yes, in a way. But mostly, accountable to myself and my system.In coming days I'll be posting what my system is, how I trade, and when I trade. Not to show anyone of any great system but, as I said, to keep myself accountable and motivated to move on to bigger and better things.So, here's to wishing everyone a GREAT year of trading. It's the first day of the New Year, all things are equal, we're starting fresh and ready to go.We'll see in a year from now how things are. Will I still be here? As the ole's saying goes, only time will tell!!I will state right up front, I don't trade every day. Actually, because of time constraints, I don't trade very much at all. But, do try to remain somewhat consistent. AS I said, time will tell...Also, I need to learn how to place charts on my posts. Maybe someone can help me on this one???

You would press the PrtSc key on the top of your keyboard after the F1...keys. Before doing that, have some kind of Word application open that you could post it in and save as a file. Then you would either paste it into the message screen here if it will open in it, or attach the file to your message here on the blog. Hope this helps.

I need someone to help me with trading as I have just gotten started in my live account. I have been using Forex Rebellion system with some success but want to learn to do the OCO orders with FX Executor Pro in order to bracket the market and catch breakouts.

Have a nice weekend.


Good luck for you.

What is your trading strategy? Are you a chart trader \ indicator trader?


You can simple use charts on there own but it's best a few momentum oscillators in so you can see if price momentum is on your side when the break occurs, to increase your odds of success.