I want just 10% return of my invested capital in forex trading


I want just 10% return of my invested capital in forex trading. I have only $100 in my Paypal Account. Which forex trading website should I join and what should by my strategy?


If you're new to Forex Trading, I would recommend you go to BabyPips.com and go through their Trading University. Will take a little time but will teach you, not only the basics, but some good ideas as to trading systems and setting up your own system.

The more education you take the time to gain NOW will be of greater benefit as time goes on. If you honestly want to make this trading thing work, you'll take the time to do your homework now. Later, after you've lost all your money, it'll be too late. Do your studying now and take your time.

I STRONGLY recommend you get your hands on the book TRADING IN THE ZONE by Mark Douglas. A book worth 100 times what it cost.

As to a Broker, personally, I use IBFX. But, here, personal preferences come in to play. That's up to you.

BUT!!! As I said, take your time, do your homework, STUDY!! and this will pay off handsomely in the future. This is a LONG TERM thing. If you're looking for the QUICK BUCK, I suggest you go back to the Multi Level business programs. Forex is NOT a GET RICH QUICK THING!

Probably not what you wanted to hear but, well, truth can be a tremendously valuable thing for you to get a hold of right now.

Learn yourself, trust yourself, be YOUR ONW TRADER! That's the ONLY way it'll work.


Your strategy is based on your comfortable skill and your time.

Go around the website and forum and explorer what are their thoughts. However, it's not necessarily your final decision to follow them, until you know how forex is trading.

One tip for you, you have to master candlestick.

Another tip for you, some indicators redrawing.

Extra tip for you, currency with high spreads (such as GBP/CAD, GOLD), you cannot use indicator in smaller timeframe.

Summary Tips : Learn the problems and mistake normally make in forex first.