Would it be easy to make $50 a day in the Forex market and how would I get started? A


If you are devising a Forex trading strategy and using technical analysis you will need some indicators to help you execute your forex trading signals and below, we have outlined six essential indicators that any trader should consider using on their forex charts.


Easy is a relative term, but for sure the first thing you need is to take time learning how forex works and what works for other people.

Don't think in terms of easy, think in terms of possible, then instead of trying to re-invent the wheel just decide on a tried and true method and apply it with fervor and determination.

If I had to recommend one simple strategy it would be trend lines on a H1 or higher time frame. Never trade more than 3% of your account and put your emotions in the closet.

Get started by practicing with a powerful forex training tool.


nice advice Tantalus ... is a great reminders for everyone

If you are devising a Forex trading strategy and using technical analysis you will need some indicators to help you execute your forex trading signals and below, we have outlined six essential indicators that any trader should consider using on their forex charts.

Its more than easy. Ofcourse you need to train first for half a year and only after that, when you get some expirience you can start trading for real money. However, there are many automated forex robots, that do the job for you. I am using one atm. It's free and works perfectly for me. Link in my sig below. Let me know how well it will perform for you.

-best regards