Wealth Building System - Set and forget - page 4

traderkusayang,Please remove your signature link, it is a scam EA, they use fake MT4live statements, the statements are fabricated and hosted on their own website.Please remove them before more people are conned.

Where do you know that this EA use fake MT4live statement?...Where do you know that the statement hosted on their own website?....

Please share your info....



look at the URL of the statements

Where do you know that this EA use fake MT4live statement?...Where do you know that the statement hosted on their own website?.... Please share your info.... Thanks
look at the URL of the statements

And the fact that is they are profitable for 11 years straight they would already manage a few hedge funds etc..


Hehhe....I don't know it is right or not...maybe I will try it...the open registration jusy a little again...

I will try first to proof it is right or not...