Artificial Neural Networks in forex


Does anybody know about ANN software used for forecasting in forex?

I'm reading a lot about the subject but I haven't found anybody who have experience (direct or by referals) using it in forex.

I have doubts about to start working with it or not and I don't want to waste my time if nobody uses it at all.


This thing is still in experimental phase I think...


I have been researching this subject for a long time... Created several networks, trained them and tested several models. Results are rather poor. This is mainly because the FOREX market is so flooded with vast amounts of information and noise.. No matter what you trade there is so much background activity that drives the network crazy.

Seeking and finding the logic in the chaos requires very big neural network that my computer cannot provide. Moreover, I did not see any results that are worth investing more time in.


you can googling it ...but almost NN system is commercial


I'd advise checking out Bruce Vanstone's PhD thesis (available from the Bond University website IIRC), there's a lot of useful references and he also suggests a very sensible design methodology.

I have been researching this subject for a long time... Created several networks, trained them and tested several models. Results are rather poor. This is mainly because the FOREX market is so flooded with vast amounts of information and noise.. No matter what you trade there is so much background activity that drives the network crazy. Seeking and finding the logic in the chaos requires very big neural network that my computer cannot provide. Moreover, I did not see any results that are worth investing more time in.

Hmmm... I think finally we should turn back into basic for free stress.

Thanks for your opinions , I got something to learn from it.