Technical Analysis for Dummies(Free download)


Fortunately for me, this was one of the first books that I bought when I began learning technical analysis. This is probably the best book I own which touches on virtually every aspect of the subject. It is clearly written, and you can certainly read it even if you know nothing. Beleive me, we have all been there. And technical analysis can seem overwhelming when you begin.

My copy of this book is worn, is thoroughly underlined, and I have marked the most important pages.... ...

Download:Technical Analysis for Dummies | Free Forex E-books Download


Hey thanks you bought it and then now you are sharing it for free. So thanks a lot mate.


Hello, iam new to forex, just to get info about forex. Thanks for sharing the ebook.

Fortunately for me, this was one of the first books that I bought when I began learning technical analysis. This is probably the best book I own which touches on virtually every aspect of the subject. It is clearly written, and you can certainly read it even if you know nothing. Beleive me, we have all been there. And technical analysis can seem overwhelming when you begin.My copy of this book is worn, is thoroughly underlined, and I have marked the most important pages.... ... Download:Technical Analysis for Dummies | Free Forex E-books Download

many mnay thanks for kinl .i will try it.


Hi Everyone

I just joined the forum.

I would like to know if anyone can share the book

"Technical Analysis for Dummies"

Thank you. I appreciate it.


Great book, thanks.

Very nice site you've got yourself.


thanks for the share


thanx dude..fall in love with it..


Many thanks my friend, it's a great book.


Very valuble information. I was looking for it......

Big thanks for sharing


the book is not there? Or am i doing something wrong? Anybody can confirm the book exist?