Hit and Run Trading(ebook)


When I sat down to write HJ! and Run Trading a lew years ago, I had no

idea it would have such an impact. 1 knew there was a lack of information

available for short-term equity traders. I did not know that so many

thousands of traders were craving this information.

I have heard the good and bad about my first book. The bad stemmed

predominately from the few people who hoped to turn £5,000 into millions.

That is never going to happen with my strategies. The good came

Irom the many traders who have taken the strategies and grown their

accounts. An extreme example was told to me recently by a senior executive

at a major discount biokerage firm. He stated one of their customers,

using only one strategy from Ihe book, has grown his account from

530,000 to over $300,000 in 24 months. This performance is astounding

and E could only hope for IE to happen to me someday!... ....

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I have heard the good and bad about hit and run trading. This book 's message is -Make money with my setups. However, it may lead you to experiment with your own observations and that's all you can ask for out of a book.