The Delta Phenomenon(e-book pdf download)


It all started with a phone call in the fall of 1983. I think the monthwas September.

Icame back from a trip and among my calls to retum was a caa from one Jim Sloman.Ihad never heard of Jim Sloman so I fielded the more impoartant calls first.Toward mid-aftrnoon I returned the call to Jim Sloman.My life has not been the same since!

Rather than trying to give you a history of what happened next,in the following pages I have included the two brochres that I wrote in 1984 and 1985 to made membership in THE DELTA SOCIETY available to traders.... ...

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The Delta Phenomenon is good.

and pdf files are easy to understand.


Does it work?

I began reading it but it seemed like a lame buzz-creating paper.


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