MT4 / EA compatibility with 64-bit Vista on an AMD Phenom quad-core desktop


I'm thinking of purchasing a new desktop computer with an AMD Phenom quad-core processor running 64-bit Vista. The sole purpose will be to run multiple instances of MT4 each running an EA against a separate account.

Does anyone have any comments about any compatibility issues I may run into? I thought the quad-core processor with 64-bit Vista would be the way to go, given the multiple MT4 instances. But would a duo-core Athlon with 32-bit Vista serve the purpose well enough (and obviously without any compatibility concerns)?



Hi there,

i am currently running Vista 64 with one or two instances and havent stepped over any problems so far But i only run an X64 Athlon (dual core) - shouldnt make any difference tho ^^

- georg


I think it should be ok. MT4 work with any processor except with operating system.


It is runing but you must open with right click and run as administrator than it works


this is the problem with vista not hardware