The London Market and the Sterling Pound


As an intra day trader I like to trade a couple hours a day. I hold down a full time job but manage to trade FX a few hours a day. Sometimes easier said then done.

Recently, I have found a good trading window with consistent hours. Its the London Market. It is when the Tokyo market closes and the London market opens. There is a lot of momentum during the first two hours of the London session. So far so good.

What I like about this trading window, is that the trades aren't crawling. There is a lot of momentum and yours trades get pushed forward to your projected target.

Trading the Sterling Pound exclusively has brought some simplicity for my FX trading. Keep it simple and make PIPS. The link below will give you more information on the London Market.


I trade only the London market and first half of NY. Once in awhile I trade Asian market, but that's on the 1 minute chart with my GBPJPY scalping strategy.
