My way - page 8

My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion Tuesday, 05 May 2009 05/05/2009 15:12:39 – Putting Target’s 05/05/2009 13:51 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7463 TARGET 0,7423 05/05/2009 09:56 - Sell GBP/USD 151,10 TARGET 1,5010 05/05/2009 09:42 - Sell GBP/JPY 149,50 TARGET 148,73 Legal disclaimer and risk disclosure The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.

All the trades reach the target Result of yesterday 217 Pips

Today there is not signals, because I will be out of office

We still keep our old problem of EUR/JPY to solve

See tou tomorow.



My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Thursday, 07 May 2009

07/05/2009 10:44:46 – Putting Target’s

07/05/2009 10:44 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7572 TARGET OPEN

07/05/2009 10:44 - Sell GBP/USD 151,38 TARGET OPEN

07/05/2009 10:44 - Sell GBP/JPY 150,46 TARGET OPEN

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Thursday, 07 May 2009

07/05/2009 11:28:11 – Putting Target’

07/05/2009 10:28 - Sell EUR/JPY 132,28 TARGET OPEN

This will make average with the old EUR/JPY from

28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell EUR/JPY 126,22 TARGET OPEN

In this way we will keep the following

2 Positions EUR/JPY – Short with an average price of 129.25 Target 127,8

Legal disclaimer and risk disclosure
The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Thursday, 07 May 2009

07/05/2009 13:53:42 – Close Trades

07/05/2009 13:53 - Sell GBP/USD 151,38 CLOSE AT 1.5050

07/05/2009 13:53 - Sell GBP/JPY 150,46 CLOSE AT 149,60

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Thursday, 07 May 2009

07/05/2009 14:23:21 – Close Trades

Result of day until now on closed positions = 184 pips

Open Positions

07/05/2009 10:28 - Sell EUR/JPY 132,28 TARGET OPEN

28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell EUR/JPY 126,22 TARGET OPEN

2 Positions EUR/JPY – Short with an average price of 129.25 Target 127,8

07/05/2009 10:44 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7572 TARGET OPEN

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Thursday, 07 May 2009

07/05/2009 14:23:21

07/05/2009 14:23 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7600 TARGET OPEN

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The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Thursday, 07 May 2009

07/05/2009 18:40:25 – PUT TARGETS

07/05/2009 14:23 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7600 PUT TARGET AT 0,7515

07/05/2009 10:44 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7572 PUT TARGET AT 0,7515

Legal disclaimer and risk disclosure
The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Thursday, 07 May 2009

07/05/2009 19:49:49 – PUT TARGETS YESSS

07/05/2009 14:23 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7600 PUT TARGET AT 0,7515 – 57 Pip

07/05/2009 10:44 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7572 PUT TARGET AT 0,7515 – 85 Pip

Target Achived at 19:40 YES

For today we get 326 PIP’

Open contracts ( the problem since 28/04/2009 );

07/05/2009 10:28 - Sell EUR/JPY 132,28 TARGET OPEN

This will make average with the old EUR/JPY from

28/04/2009 16:37 - Sell EUR/JPY 126,22 TARGET OPEN

In this way we will keep the following

2 Positions EUR/JPY – Short with an average price of 129.25 Target 127,8

Legal disclaimer and risk disclosure
The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Friday, 08 May 2009

08/05/2009 11:55:36

08/05/2009 11:55 - Sell AUD/USD 0,7580 TARGET OPEN

Legal disclaimer and risk disclosure
The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.


My Way - Trading Signals/Strategies on Open Discussion

Friday, 08 May 2009

08/05/2009 12:02:42

08/05/2009 12:02 - Sell EUR/JPY 133,33 TARGET OPEN

Legal disclaimer and risk disclosure
The information contained in this page is based on or derived from information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty is made or implied that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions expressed in this paper are subject to change without notice. This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and if so decided, for private circulation and does not constitute any solicitation to buy or sell any instrument, or to engage in any trading strategy.