Urban Towers Scalping Strategy - page 6

The system is simple but not promising,

Why are you making such baseless comments? Whats your proof? How do you backup these claims? Did you try it for yourself? You should not write bull*** because you might be misleading people. Infact, this system is really good and promising. Next time when you do such comments, please back it up by some personal data from your personal experiments.


Here's a trade from today on AUD/USD.



15-Sep_07.jpg  24 kb

Here's a trade from today on GBP/USD


21-Sep_02.jpg  37 kb

Hi Jimmy, can you post some acumulated performance for your system when you have some free time. Would be nice to get a global stats.

Thank you for your contribution to the forum

Hi Jimmy, can you post some acumulated performance for your system when you have some free time. Would be nice to get a global stats.Thank you for your contribution to the forum

Hi Bossxero,

I am currently out in Hong Kong to train some clients so I have given Jimmy the next few weeks off of the forums and is working with me directly. Once I'm back in town, I'll hand Jimmy back over to you guys

Thanks for following.



- Navin Prithyani

Hi Bossxero,I am currently out in Hong Kong to train some clients so I have given Jimmy the next few weeks off of the forums and is working with me directly. Once I'm back in town, I'll hand Jimmy back over to you guys Thanks for following. Cheers.UrbanForex- Navin Prithyani

It is we who have to thank you man... Keep up with the good and nice works... Waiting for the updates


I like your style - very nice, small and solid stop loss.

How are your trading results?


Man , I can't see anything today since the market is so aggressive

Man , I can't see anything today since the market is so aggressive

In days like these, you should take some free time.. and have some fun away from the market...

Man , I can't see anything today since the market is so aggressive

People make STORIES!

"Normal people have an "interpreter" in their left brain that takes all the random, contradictory details of whatever they are doing or remembering at the moment, and smoothes everything in one coherent story. If there are details that do not fit, they are edited out or revised!"

(T. Grandin and C. Johnson, Animals in Translation (Scribner,New York,2005)


“That’s the big difference between animals and people, and also between autistic people and nonautistic people. Animals and autistic people don’t see their ideas of things; they see the actual things themselves. We see the details that make up the worlwhile normal people blur all those details together into their general concept of the world. We abstractify, and these abstractifications become our reality." - pg 30

"Our brains are wired to see connections and correlations, not coincidences and happenstance. Moreover, our brains are wired to believe that a correlation is also a cause." - pg 100


You are not seeing what you are looking at. Your mind is filtering.