Trading Secrets from experienced trader.


My name is Oleg. I have been trading on the Forex market for seven years already. And the last three years I traded successfully. I would like to share my trade secrets and to learn something new. I have non commercial blog and publish interesting information and strategies in my MT4 blog.


Nice blog

I also think Forex scalping is in high demand nowadays. Many forex brokers frown upon scalpers, but not us. We are always looking for talented scalpers.True scalping involves opening and closing a position in seconds or minutes at most. Even though scalping involves the use of leverage and higher leverage means higher risk, the short period of time a forex scalper is in a trade decreases the exposure risk that's inherent in trading or investing due to the holding of a position. If done correctly, scalping provides this additional degree of "risk control" that is not even present in day trading.

Scalpers use all sorts of platforms to scalp currencies, but probably one of the most common is MetaTrader 4 (a.k.a., MT4). MT4 is made by a Russian company and has become sort of the "de facto standard" among many forex day traders. The problem in using MT4 for scalping has nothing to do with the platform itself, but with the unscrupulous brokers that license the software and offer it to their clients (see the explanation earlier on brokers that trade against their customers).

For MT4 to be used in scalping the forex market without any limitations or restrictions, an ECN-type feed must be used or a multi-liquidity provider feed such as Currenex or HotSpotFxi. Currently, there are a few firms that are working on such a project to be able to accommodate extreme forex day trading or scalping.


scalp trading needs fast and few pips spread broke , you can try mbtrading for ECN with MT4


Yeah i have heard that MB TRADING commission charges are quite expensive at $0.50 per $10,000USD traded, but this amt u can buy a piece of mind they aren't stop hunting you.Its cheap to trade AUD/USD now while relatively more expensive to trade EUR/USD.

I Have noticed a few ECN brokers taking on the challenge of offering the MT4 platform to their clients. I believe the majority of them simply slap on an “ECN to MT4 bridge” program, and that’s it. What MB Trading has managed to do on the other hand is completely eliminate the dealing desk functionality of the MT4 Server back office.What this means is that you get the benefits of the Meta Trader platform without dealing desk interventions, fixed-slippages, and stop/limit proximity limitations. What does Meta trader 4.0 through MB Trading off

Direct ECN connections and execution

Tight ECN spreads and quotes

A true non-deal desk environment

NO proximity restrictions when placing entry or exit orders

Scalping available