New In Market


Hello, mi name is Brian, well I heard a lot of things about FOREX, but I want to listen to an expert opinion to have an excellent vision of this market, and maybe invest on it.


you will listen all interesting and perfect things unless you venture into it. but before venturing into it, you should know the fact that traders talk a lot about discipline when forex trading - but you don’t hear them talk much about confidence. However, confidence is a vital component of your forex trading strategy - confidence in yourself – not in some mentor, or guru you’re followi

Hello, mi name is Brian, well I heard a lot of things about FOREX, but I want to listen to an expert opinion to have an excellent vision of this market, and maybe invest on it.

Hello brian

welcome to forex trading, you can join forex trading and because you don't know anything about forex ,i would like to tell about forex that forex Market is a place where currecies are trading take place.The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average traded value that exceeds $1.9 trillion per day and includes all of the currencies in the world. It is a near-seamless 24-hour market. Subject to available liquidity, forex trading starts from Sunday, starting after 5:15 PM EST, until Friday, 4PM, EST (FXCM Client Service is available 24/7). With the ability to trade around the clock, currency traders have the advantage of customizing their own trading schedule; they can usually get in or out of the market at any time without waiting for an opening bell or encountering a market gap.While trading stocks after usual market hours is possible, very often that possibility is negated by a lack of order flow or a drastic widening of the bid-ask spread.

According to me ,you must invest in Forex Market, it has much potetial,you can get many opportunitie to make money form it. you can see ,there are many people those are professionally Trader ,means their profession is only Forex Trading, and really they all are happy. So Invest your money in forex Market with a great passion ,decipline ,and trade smartly.


Have a Happy Trader

Hello, mi name is Brian, well I heard a lot of things about FOREX, but I want to listen to an expert opinion to have an excellent vision of this market, and maybe invest on it.

Hi brian06,

Have you traded in any other markets before, and have you gone through any training for forex trading?


Hello! It's interesting to read about discipline and confidence... Confidence and discipline are both symptoms of using a great money management system. The odds are stacked against you in Forex...even more so than in other markets. It moves fast and puts traders into Fight or Flight mode. Both options are wrong in trading, by the way. When you're trading using a proper money management methodology, you can almost look at wins and losses like monopoly money. I've been trading for many years now. It's how I've fed my family and sent my children to college. I'd have been broke many times, right before a huge winning streak, if it were not for the advice of an old pork belly trader. He got me started on a money management plan, that I later developed into something much better. Today, I sleep like a baby and feel like a rock star every time I have a trade open. With great money management, you can (will) make money with almost any mediocre system. Withotu it, you'll lose every dime you have with a 90% winning system. Ihave examples on my blog at: No-Nonsense Trader Blog

Thanks for reading! Welcome to the greatest business in the world!



Hi, I'm also new in Forex. Not that new actually (already 3 months). Over this period I have lost a lot of money and my confidence too. From the demo account I made some positive profit but when comes to live account, things just went opposite. I trade using same strategy, same mind set and now I'm giving up. Anyone here willing to be my teacher?

Hi, I'm also new in Forex. Not that new actually (already 3 months). Over this period I have lost a lot of money and my confidence too. From the demo account I made some positive profit but when comes to live account, things just went opposite. I trade using same strategy, same mind set and now I'm giving up. Anyone here willing to be my teacher?
Hi, I'm also new in Forex. Not that new actually (already 3 months). Over this period I have lost a lot of money and my confidence too. From the demo account I made some positive profit but when comes to live account, things just went opposite. I trade using same strategy, same mind set and now I'm giving up. Anyone here willing to be my teacher?


I can't be your teacher.when you have experience, then why are you giving up? without losing money a man can nver be a successful trader, and Confidence is a thing which always lost by traders in forex trading, but after becoming a experienced trader you got your confidence.

Hello, mi name is Brian, well I heard a lot of things about FOREX, but I want to listen to an expert opinion to have an excellent vision of this market, and maybe invest on it.

Welcome to the world of experts and affiliates. Everyone would try and sell you something. My recommendation to you is not to spend a single dollar in buying EAs, Softwares or Charting Packages.


I can't be your teacher.(Made Easy Forex)