Analysis on Forex Options


For the forum what are the best strategies out there in this market and what kind of outrageous experiences has anybody had? I thank you for sharing your experience..

For the forum what are the best strategies out there in this market and what kind of outrageous experiences has anybody had? I thank you for sharing your experience..

Remember the strategy is personal and this improves with the time and experience you get. I´m new too in this business and I´ve opted for make simple strategies, for now I´ve been analyzing the candlesticks and the market movement, I´m just working with one pair, USD-EUR. I´m using the stop loss and the take profit to open small orders, it has worked.


Don’t try to get a strategy from others, you can make your own, so don’t be afraid to do it, if you fail meanwhile, you can restart it, of course, you can share it with us and we can help you with opinions.