

Good morning to everybody,

Well I want to open an account with FOREX, a read a lot of that but I don´t understand what is TVF? Can someone explain me?



It seems Tradeview Forex shortcut, they are a broker a trustful one BTW.


It seems you're not quite familiar with Forex and its terminology. I guess even before getting an account you'll have to learn a couple of things as some of the most known brokers, it may be helpful at the time of choosing one.

Good morning to everybody, Well I want to open an account with FOREX, a read a lot of that but I don´t understand what is TVF? Can someone explain me?Thanks.

If you want to start in Fx business , first at all it is necessary for you to know what is it about, how it works and so on. I recommend you to visit, there is a school for you to get all the information you need included how to choose a good broker. Step by step you will learn.


I also find babypips as an excellent school for newbies, and there you'll also find a compare brokers section there. I've come to download tvf platform and been working with it. Quite nice.

I also find babypips as an excellent school for newbies, and there you'll also find a compare brokers section there. I've come to download tvf platform and been working with it. Quite nice.

Do u mean T-view platinum? I've been looking for some reviews from this platform, I've heard pretty good things. How is it with execution?


I don’t understand bout this conversation, you are talking about the MT4 from tradeview? Or are you talking about T-View platinum? I don’t know if you need info about one of them or everything,


I was actually talking about T-view Platinum, I've found this platform different from everything I've tried so far. When it comes to execution it is great, when I stumbled with it I had a lot of troubles with execution I thought it was a java trouble but then I found T-view and everything is going excellent again.