TRSI indicator


can any member indicate where I can find this indicator for MT4 and how it works


Take a look at this thread. It explains how to plot it.


Or there is a video here.

I haven't seen it as I got there following the link above. But it may help.


tell me about it....

oooh by the way i just saw a bug... its not following...(i don't no how to say it) but last time i checked my screen it was stopped i had to change time frame (you know -like a restart) and its fine again -

i think its not looping ? what do you think guys?

Can somebody make it loop (i don't wanna touch the program i change color and that's it i don't go farther then that... )

(beginners... you know always scared HAHAHA)

hope it is what you are looking for ....

and by the way i'm looking for KST ^Know Sure Thing^ its on internet -the formula- but as i said (i'm beginner) it's something that use the ROC -Rate Of Change- short, medium and long term (look pretty good )

can somebody help?

TRSI1.mq4  6 kb

can not get it to run,

Or there is a video here. haven't seen it as I got there following the link above. But it may help.

very nicely explained.