Currency strength meter - page 3

You may using them the wrong way or the one you are using is lagging.I have been using the currency meter from and it is great.The most effective way to use a currency meter is to use a trend indicator as well as entry and exit indicator. good luck.

Dear forexlady

I am thinking of purchasing the same currency meter to assist me with my trading. You stated that this Currency Meter is working well for you. Did you also purchase their trading strategy with the trend indicator and exit strategy? I would appreciate any feedback..



You do not need to purchase a currency meter. There are plenty of FREE ones available.

You do not need to purchase a currency meter. There are plenty of FREE ones available.

Post some then...

Post some then...

I don't post code unless I intend to maintain it where I post it. Some people don't like their code posted by others because they can't maintain the integrity of the code. If a bug is found or an upgrade made, it becomes a maintenance nightmare having to update numerous sites.

I would post the links to the code but forum admins usually don't like that even though the internet is supposed to be the INFORMATION HIGHWAY. In reality the net has become a place filled with TURF WARS.

FREE INDICATORS are NOT hard to find. Use your favorite search engine.

If you type "FREE MT4 INDICATORS CURRENCY" into you search engine of choice, you'll get plenty of hits. I am sure you can find one or more to your liking.



Yes, I agree about buying the strongest vs the weakest.

Post some then...


p0st some links..

i want it too.....


No, that's not right.


That look very good. Where to download ?


Been awhile since I've been on this board but, when considering a currency strength meter, what's wrong with using something like the ATR (Actual True Range) indicator? Shows strength of current pair you're trading, weather it's going up or down; in strength that is. No, doesn't, and can't I'm sure, show strength against another currencies but, does seems to work ok for the pair I'm working/trading on for the moment; whatever that pair may be.