Great GBP/JPY 1M scalping strategy - page 2


thanks for this website.lots of good info. I'm pretty new to forex and still surprised how much money can be made. just last week lost a lot when the FED reduced the interest rate. well this can happen,specially when you are pretty new. hope now that I learned some important lessons and I won't give up. so far I've tried many EAs. one of the best so far for me was the steinitz robot. but also the golden grid and the autotrader V2 makes constant good profit. hope to find other good eas on your site and thank you!


let's share the joy and sorrow of trading forex


Hi avrybody, Has anybody used this strategy in real account? How is it?


you can always try it on demo account first


Hello to all I also am new to this site. I use this system everyday, but I ad one indicator to it which really enhances the performance. Ive installed a murreymath indicator and changed the settings to 128 and 60. When the price is in between the bollinger bands and the price is also in between 7/8ths and 8/8ths you put your first order in if it goes to 8/8ths and +1/8ths you put the second order in, you can go to 1/8ths to 2/8ths for the 3rd if you want. I use this everyday along side with the day chart next to it. I would like to make this into an EA, it works manually.


Hello to avrybadu and allote green pips


happy trading


Hi all! I've been using this system for a while now and have found it to be very useful and accurate. In this past week, I doubled a 500 account with this system. Interesting thing is that I use it on several different pairs with success. Its true that it doesn't work well with trending pairs, but it works great with volatility. Using it on M1, I can jump in long or short and out again usually within a few minutes with a nice gain in pips. I use it in conjunction with Sto. and MACD which helps provide accuracy and timing. Excellent work all!


good works