Tradeing with Indicators


I read many post that condemn even degradate indicators..

Let me first start by saying I trade very succesfully using indicators. Everyone is looking for forward looking indicators but let me say no one and I mean no one can tell the future without previous data.

Many say they dont need indicators they just use raw charts.. Guess what the data on a raw chart is an indicator; how you interpret the charts previous data is what hopefully puts you in the right place in the trade.

The secret to any sytem is staying with your plan... if you trade strictly the trend do not be tempted to go against it... If you trade support and resistance and play the bounce do not get away from what makes you successful.

People who fail with indicators are the ones who get anxious and do not let there system of trading follow through.

All indictors are not suited for everyone.. Find what works for you test it forward not backward and once you have your system down don't change.

Happy Trading.


Thank you for clarifying that for us, whatever it was it doesn´t take a rocket scientist to figure it out that the indicators depends on the person and how they interpret it. Yes the candles are indicators, but I don’t think they can stand alone and be analyzed in a chart or can you tell me what will happen

Thank you for clarifying that for us, whatever it was it doesn´t take a rocket scientist to figure it out that the indicators depends on the person and how they interpret it. Yes the candles are indicators, but I don’t think they can stand alone and be analyzed in a chart or can you tell me what will happen

I am sure some can look at Candles and utilize them just by thereselves... but there are those because I read their Post that think they have some forward looking system that can tell the future... Just not so everything is based on the past, for we cannot tell the news.. I am sure there was those watching the news as I was and caught the 183 pip move on the Eur/Usd but I also caught the anticpation of the move on the 15 min bar prior to and was able to capture 180 pips.. not get stopped out because the move went so fast.. I am glad not everyone has your arrogance and some will read this for what its worth.. By the way up 2360.00 since Sunday and your right it didnt take Rocket Science..


which particular indicators do you use guys?, I´m using the supports and resistances, but i don´t get for example the Fibonacci... can someone take me further, at least theoretically


The best indicator is the moving averages especially when they cross, as they cross they show by the angle of the crossing which way the tendency could go. I say could because it’s not 100 % exact but they do work. The wider the angel the better the chance


well I´m just beginning in the forex trade, and I consider useful the few indicators I use, normally I set the pivot resistances and supports and with that for me is enough as I need to learn the candles reading and much more stuff, but I feel satisfied with the pivot resistances and supports.


hi to everybody ... new member.