mq4 files is it legal ?


Hello all

While searching the net, to enhance my knowledge about the forex market I came across a bundle of mq4 files (950) I've opened a couple and can't see any copyright does this mean there free to anyone who needs them or has the copyright been removed, therefor making them illegal to give away ?

Hello all While searching the net, to enhance my knowledge about the forex market I came across a bundle of mq4 files (950) I've opened a couple and can't see any copyright does this mean there free to anyone who needs them or has the copyright been removed, therefor making them illegal to give away ?

I read somewere that it is not illegal to re use or even resale a Mq4 file it may say copyright but if you change and adjust paramiters then you have created something totally unique to you now.

This is why I refuse to sell my EA people are just looking to rename a good ea and try to sell it.

I would rather trade money for people with my ea than to let someone have it and make money off my hard work

check out my site for more details if you want to trade with my EA



Always a good idea to do it that way


please guys remember that buy and sell price difference together with t/p and s/l which price do they actually take before accusing the glitch or something, i think u guys trade longer than i do, i just started less than a month


Im not really familiar with this legal stuff that much, but im not so sure that if you change one line of the code that makes it something unique and new. That means that i could chance one frame of a movie and claim it as unique and sell it for millions.