The Dollar Recovers in November! - page 2


Hello everyone this thread turn out interesting and I do have to agree with FerruFx and from what I know everything depends on everything, especially politics since the politician are the ones that move the economy or am I wrong?


As most have already seen the dollar today is gaining on the euro, so keep on trading. It’s going to close


Some info that might help your topic:

The euro was a low as 0.8392 against the dollar on 01/12/2000 (dd/mm/year)

it stayed around this price topping around 0.8770 on the 29/03/2002

it slowly moved upward reaching 1.2582 on the 09/01/2004

before dropping to 1.1714 on the 02/12/2005

Then it made it's progress upward until 11/07/2008 reaching 1.5947

Before starting the downward slope to 1.4075 on the 19/09/2008

It now stands at 1.4629 as I type.

Please don't quote me if the figures are out a bit.


As you could see today about noon eastern time when Bush announced the backing of his economy with that giant injection of funds.

How is that for a political move!

As you could see today about noon eastern time when Bush announced the backing of his economy with that giant injection of funds.How is that for a political move!

Does anyone really care about the US economy in Forex ? shouldn't it be the stock market. Think about the global financial crisis.

No one batted an eye from around 01/12/2000 to 15/07/2008

How many American traders backed the Euro to cause it to rise over 7 years or where they to loyal to the flag.

(P.S. my forefathers help create America, I still hold a passion for it and I'm not trying to insult anyone, just my own personal opinion on the movement of the Euro against the Dollar)

CORRECTION to my earlier post : The euro record high was 1.6038 dollars on the 15/07/2008

Don't matter which way the Euro/Usd goes I'll be on a winner.

Eur/Usd falls buy Usd/Chf

Usd/Chf falls buy Eur/Usd


Well I do care for the US economy I am American, and it does affect me and my family. I know now that the forex market doesn’t care much about any economy. The only thing is that an the strongest economy falls so do all others that depend on it , so it does matter in the long run

Well I do care for the US economy I am American, and it does affect me and my family. I know now that the forex market doesn’t care much about any economy. The only thing is that an the strongest economy falls so do all others that depend on it , so it does matter in the long run

Hello haley

Anyone living in a country with a falling economy will be worried, coming from Great Brition I know the feeling but nothing will change as far as forex opperates; American, British, Europeans and every other investor from any part of the world will still support the Euro against the Dollar if and went they see a profit.


Well I now that the US economy is falling and the market is moving, it’s time to trade if many people begin to trade and buy Euros then this will make the market value of the currency drop, why is that well when there is a lot of money in any economy this causes inflation and an inflation has to be controlled. So the governments steps in and stops that, causing the economy to balance itself again and the currency to lose


Hello miguel

You could be right, inflation is caused by money supply increasing faster than the growth rate of the economy, the central bank has that task of controlling it.

This would be my quick fix:

Tell the (fed) to stop printing money, inflation rises also if there is too much money chasing too few goods. If everybody had 10 times as much money but the amount of goods and services produced remained the same, prices would naturally rise by a factor of 10. So my answer to avoiding inflation is simply to avoid printing too much money.

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