


If you don't believe me, look at the statistics.

95% of those in Forex don't make money.

95% of those who start their own business go broke in 2 years.

If you don't treat Forex like a business, then I highly encourage you to close out your Forex account.

Yes, Forex is a business; and the first mistake I ever made in Forex was to treat it like a walk in the park. I didn't treat it like a business. And so guess what happened? It bit me in the ass. You can laugh all you want, but if you don't treat it with respect, it will bite you, and bite you badly.

Most people say "Guns are dangerous". Yes, in the wrong hands, so is a hammer. But you know, when guns are the most dangerous? WHEN YOU STOP RESPECTING THE DESTRUCTIVE POTENTIAL IT HAS; that is when a gun becomes seriously dangerous. Always keep that in mind that Forex is like a loaded gun, and in the hands of an idiot, they will end up shooting or hurting himself or herself; as well as those around them.

You have been warned. As soon as you don't respect the Forex market, you are like an idiot with a loaded gun. Sooner or later, you will blow off a part of your body you will miss. I don't know about you, but I'm fairly attached to all the parts of my body so I'd like them intact.

I can't stress this enough. Forex is a loaded gun.

So before you decide about jumping head first into Forex, make sure the pool has water!!

Also know the math before you jump in. 95% chance you will not make money. In fact, if your goal is to be a millionaire via Forex, then understand that the average Millionaire has been bankrupt 3.2 times. That means statistically, there's almost a 100% chance that you will drive your account to ZERO 3 times before you get it right.


It is just a statistical number.


if 95% of those in forex doesnt make money then

it will not be one of the largest market in the world since everyone is losing money. 95% refers to those who just start learning forex and trade

however, those who had good fundamental about forex should be able to make some gain in forex though not always consistent 100% but certain consistency in earning does exists.





Well, I don´t think so, everybody is getting something from Forex market, play with local and not local currencies is the latest businesses now. Everybody wants to get more money trying to sell something you can find around the world and that´s is USDollars, Euros, etc.

Try to think in this, the best deal is selling something that a lot of people want.

The Forex market is good and sooo useful.


Forex is very risky but as higher the risk higher the profit. In any business there is a great deal of uncertainty that’s a rule in life. The only true is that nothing is certain. However you can avoid risk in so many ways. In Forex you need a strategy, a plan which can help you to read the market. If you want to make a good plan you need a lot of information and people you can trust. I think we should worry about how to create a great strategy instead of warning about things that are useless.


This is here for reason........for begginers!!!

I dont need a advice. Im one of 5%

This is here for reason........for begginers!!!I dont need a advice. Im one of 5%

Hey forexflash!!!

If this for beginners Why can’t we ask for advice? And why are you horrifying everybody? I mean Forex is complex and maybe you lose sometimes, but you talk like you wanted people out of the business. Anyway I agree with you, we must respect the market but I think you are creating panic in people


Hi profitmaker.

I just want to people know that this is not a game......

This is HARD WORK!

I would be happy that all of us can make profits,

but the reality is different.......


Forex is very risky but as higher the risk higher the profit

... and higher the loss.



Yes, but after years of a very hard work!!!