Trader456's trading ideas - page 45

XAGUSD is trading in an uptrend.(XAG is the symbol for silver, XAG is considered as a fx pair as well)Buy XAGUSD at 30.45Stop level at 25.70Target level at 38.00

Last Friday US had announced strong employment data, they may push XAG down. Hence we decide to take profit on this trade.

Closed XAGUSD at 33.70, profit is 325 pips.

what is his system about?

We trades non random recurring patterns in the global currency market. We use technical analysis to recognize these patterns and look for potential exhaustive and bottoming inflection points.

To find out more, go to Tactical Trading Academy.


Buy EURGBP at 0.8330

Stop level at 0.8130

Target level at 0.8730

Buy EURGBP at 0.8330Stop level at 0.8130Target level at 0.8730

Resistance formed at 0.8400. EURGBP is near to 0.8400 hence decide to close this trade.

Sell EURGBP at 0.8394, profit is 64 pips.

Original trade:

Buy EURGBP at 0.8330

Stop level at 0.8130

Target level at 0.8730


Some thots on market

We are currently seeing some unusual behaviour in the financial markets. Normally stock market and US dollar have negative correlations. This means that when stock market is falling, US dollar will rise. But currently we are seeing US dollar rising and yet stock market remains resilient. So either USD is wrong or stock market is wrong.

My view is that stock market is wrong. That means we think that stock market should be falling soon. We are now sitting on a lot of cash waiting for the next buying opportunity for stocks.

In the area of forex, the strengthening of USDJPY is driven by spike in US treasury yield. The spike is caused by series of good US economic data and prediction that QE3 is no longer needed. We beg to differ. We believe that US economic is still long term weak but short term strong. Hence we think that US treasury yield will fall and USDJPY will fall as well, resulting in recovery of Japanese yen. We are still holding onto our sell US dollar and buy Japanese yen trade.

We are the few market participants who are bullish on the European situation. History tells us that most or all credit crisis will eventually be resolved; It is a matter of time and the amount of money pumped into the troubled economy. Few weeks ago, IMF has agreed to pump in money into Europe, this increase our confidence that we are near to the end of this crisis. To profit from this view, we have long Euro and sell Sterling Pound.

We have also buy Swiss Franc and sell US dollar. So why are we buying Swiss Franc? Swiss Franc and Euro are pegged. So if Euro recovers, Swiss Franc will recover as well. In addition, Switzerland is in much better shape than the members of Euro zone.

China has announced some weak economic data. This has helped to push AUD and NZD lower. To us this is good news rather than bad news, because this gives us good opportunity to buy AUD and NZD at cheaper price. When the buying opportunity comes, we will send email to inform our learn forex students. We think that market has underestimated the economic of China. We are optimistic on China in the long term.

In the area of stock market, as mentioned above, we think that market has temporary peaked. Last year we are most bullish on US market, so we had been accumulating US stocks since December. We had sold most of our US stocks already. This year we are most bullish on Hong Kong market. So if there is a correction, we will be buying Hong Kong stocks and Hang Seng ETF. Reason is because China government has already started to reduce Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR), this will help to support China economy. Hong Kong stocks are relatively cheaper compared to US. When the buying opportunity comes, we will send emails to our learn investing students.

We are still holding onto a China lottery stock. We believe that China has a growing affluent population who are interested to try their luck in lottery. This stock remains undiscovered by the investment community and it offers 50% upside potential.

Talk to you again.


USDJPY vs US Treasury Yield

In our previous email to our students (click here to read), we mentioned the following:

“In the area of forex, the strengthening of USDJPY is driven by spike in US treasury yield. The spike is caused by series of good US economic data and prediction that QE3 is no longer needed. We beg to differ. We believe that US economic is still long term weak but short term strong. Hence we think that US treasury yield will fall and USDJPY will fall as well, resulting in recovery of Japanese yen. We are still holding onto our sell US dollar and buy Japanese yen trade

Our prediction that US Treasury yield will fall has come true. Last Friday US announced Non farm payroll. Expected is 205k but actual is 120k. Lower than expected data had pushed data had pushed US Treasury yield down. Lower US Treasury yield had pushed USDJPY down as well. See below for the chart: US Treasury Yield vs USDJPY. The chart shows that when US Treasury yield falls, USDJPY falls as well.

On 15 March 2012 we had informed our students to sell USDJPY at 83.32. Current rate for USDJPY is at 81.36, profit is 196 pips. Below is printscreen of our email.

Talk to you again.

Go sign up for my learn forex trading course or undervalued stocks to invest in course, to be able to fish for yourself. My courses teaches you the exact system I used and still using to profit from the trades that you see here. Very affordable unlike the Guru's exotic fees. Personal coaching time to guide you along the way. Your success is our success, so I definitely want you to be successful after learning from me.


BL, CEO of Tactical Trading Academy aka Online Trading Academy

- For Your Profits, Your Success Is Our Success!

“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” – Henry F


Trading For Your Future

If you have not yet been hit by cuts in the workplace then watch your back. Insecurity is now as much a part of the working day as cups of coffee and yawns. We all know people who have lost their jobs and to some degree we are all stressed out by the threat that we might be next in line. HSBC began to cut 30,000 of its workforce last year in a global retrenchment programme. The BBC has been making waves of cuts in recent years in order to make savings and a further wave was recently announced. Sony has forecast record losses and there is talk of plans to reduce its workforce by 10,000. It doesn’t look rosy out there.What do you do? Do you sit on your swivel chair dreading the next email or are you the kind of person who turns the situation around and takes control of their future?


Most of us have responsibilities that make us fear being given our marching orders. You might be in your thirties and buying a house or starting a family, with all the costs that entails. Or maybe you are in your forties and your children are a little older but expect you to pay for school ski trips to Switzerland and the clothing and electronic gadgetry that ParcelForce can deliver to them, not to mention keeping up with your mortgage payments and all the other, rising, bills. Even if you are in your fifties and a parent of a young adult, you may need to find their tuition fees, rent and living expenses, which amounts to a huge sum of money. Threats to livelihood cannot be taken lightly.

A realistic way to steer your way through the storm is to have something cooking on the backburner. There is a way to learn and practise new skills while earning a secondary income and without giving up the day job. By taking up a professional course of study before you feature in your company’s retrenchment programme you can ensure your continued employability and your family’s security. Don’t look upon it as an extra source of stress or a time-stealer. Instead view it as a way towards opening up new horizons. Do be prepared to start now and to invest a fair chunk of time, as it can take betw six months and a year to be sufficiently skilled to master such skills.

Forex and Investing lessons

We’ve heard a fair bit about rogue traders recently, but what about two of the greatest modern-day traders who have put their drive, knowledge and experience to such great use? One of the richest men in the world, Warren Buffett, reached his billionaire status through investment. George Soros amassed wealth through currency speculation. Both men have used their money and status to great ends. We can’t all have a share of the pie like theirs, but there are plenty of crumbs – and these particular crumbs are quite valuable, tasty and are there for the taki

By signing up for our investment and foreign exchange programmes you will be making a great investment in yourself and your future. The courses can be studied while you continue full-time work, so now is the time to buckle down and learn all the skills you need to start trading and reap the rewards, both personal and financial. The programme will give you the skills you need to take off in your own new direction, before you find your company sends you in one that you don’t want to take

Go sign up for my learn forex trading course or undervalued stocks to invest in course, to be able to fish for yourself. My courses teaches you the exact system I used and still using to profit from the trades that you see here. Very affordable unlike the Guru's exotic fees. Personal coaching time to guide you along the way. Your success is our success, so I definitely want you to be successful after learning from me.


BL, CEO of Tactical Trading Academy aka Online Trading Academy

- For Your Profits, Your Success Is Our Success!

“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” – Henry F


Follow the “Smart trader

There are generally 3 large groups of traders in the market:

Commercial, Non commercial and Small speculators.

  • Commercial traders are the ones who are the producers and consumers of the products. If the product is wheat, they could be wheat farmers (producers) or factories using wheat as their raw materials (consumers).
  • Non commercial traders are the big traders who work for hedge funds or exchange traded funds.
  • Small speculators traders are traders on the street, they are usually small in trading size. We all belong to this group of traders.

The commercial traders are considered the most knowledgeable in each market because their livelihood depends on their determination of future prices. They are also called the “Smart traders”. History shows that whenever commercial traders bought huge amount of Japanese Yen contracts, that is the best time to sell USDJP

In Apr 2010, commercial traders had accumulated huge amount of JPY contracts (pointed out by the 1st arrow). USDJPY had moved down from 94.70 to 81.00. That is a profit of 1370 pips.

In Apr 2011, commercial traders had accumulated huge amount of JPY contracts (pointed out by the 2nd arrow). USDJPY had moved down from 85.35 to 76.00. That is a profit of 935 pips.

In Apr 2012, commercial traders had accumulated huge amount of JPY contracts (pointed out by the 3rd arrow). We do not know how low USDJPY can go but we know that selling USDJPY is a very good trade. We had asked our students to sell USDJPY when it was trading at 83.32.

Many trading educators teach their students to trade by only looking at charts. Charts have proven to be insufficient for making profitable trades. We need a lot more fundamental information in order to identify winning trades.

At Tactical Trading Academy, we will be taught to:

i) identify which currencies are fundamentally strong and which currencies are fundamentally weak,

ii) plan your entry into a trade for specific currency pairs, and trade with the confirmation from our trade alerts,

iii) place a pre-determined stop loss and limit (profit) order automatically.

iv) analyse positions of commercial traders so we can follow the “Smart traders

v) identify seasonal effect of each currency pairs.

Go sign up for my learn forex trading course or undervalued stocks to invest in course, to be able to fish for yourself. My courses teaches you the exact system I used and still using to profit from the trades that you see here. Very affordable unlike the Guru's exotic fees. Personal coaching time to guide you along the way. Your success is our success, so I definitely want you to be successful after learning from me.


BL, CEO of Tactical Trading Academy aka Online Trading Academy

- For Your Profits, Your Success Is Our Success!

“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” – Henry F


FX statement: $50,000 to $80,283.78

You can see my account statements and see for yourself that I really trade successfully.

If an educator is not willing to show you his trades, it can only mean one of two things; he doesn’t trade or is not successful trading. If you were a teacher, wouldn’t you show your track record? No real-time track record is a huge red fla

I have grown my Forex trading account from USD50,000 to USD80,283.78 and it is still growing. Go sign up for my learn forex trading course to be able to fish for yourself. My courses teaches you the exact system I used and still using to profit from the trades that you see here.

My courses teaches you the exact system I used and still using to profit from the trades that you see here. Very affordable unlike the Guru's exotic fees. Personal coaching time to guide you along the way. Your success is our success, so I definitely want you to be successful after learning from me.


BL, CEO of Tactical Trading Academy aka Online Trading Academy

- For Your Profits, Your Success Is Our Success!

“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” – Henry F

I built this site because I had spent thousands of hours of my life reading trading books that didn’t provide me with a single, profitable piece of trading information

I built this site because people spend thousands of dollars on trading software and trading seminars and trading books and the only thing they get out of it is a larger loss. Lost $20,000 trading. Spent another $5,000 on worthless information. If you’re going to buy information, buy it from someone who knows what he’s talking about and can prove it. If I want to build a house, I’m talking to a carpenter. I’m not talking to a guy who makes hammers for a liv

Type “day trading system”, “day trading course”, “day trading book”, “day trading strategy”, “futures trading system” or any other variation thereof into Google or Yahoo and you will see hundreds of people trying to sell you technical analysis as an approach. $1,000 courses, $5,000 personal instruction, $300 a month “live strategy trading rooms”, etc., etc., ad nauseum. Worthless, worthless

Type in “day trading course”. Browse the listings. You’ve got guys offering one-on-one training for $5,000 and they don’t have a single statement posted on their site. No hard evidence that they even have a trading account, let alone that they’ve made money. What’s their background? “I’ve been trading and investing for 15 years.” Really? Well if you’ve been trading for 15 years, I would think you could find at least one or two statements which show a profitable month. One month out of twelve? Something. Anything to let your potential customers know that you actually walk

At Tactical Trading Academy we post our trading statement regularly on our blog. You can view our winning trades as well as our losing trades.You can see my most updated trading statement below. I had just doubled my forex portfolio from USD50,000 to USD100,499.48. That is a tidy profit of USD50,499.48.

Tactical Trading Academy is the key to your trading profits. If you want to learn forex trading and stock investment from a real trader, make a prudent decision today, sign up with us. We will teach you the strategy that has allow us to generate regular profits in the financial markets.

To join us in making profits consistently, go to Learn Forex Trading. We promise you will not find courses that will give you such quality and effort from myself to teach you at such affordable prices.

Investing in yourself is the best investment that you can ever make.

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jeffer