Trader456's trading ideas - page 41

Sell USDJPY at 83.37Stop level at 85.00Target level at 80.00

We had just closed our USDJPY trade at 82.43, profit is 94 pips.

Sell EURAUD at 1.3609Stop level at 1.4000Target level at 1.3100

Closed EurAud at 1.3540, profit is 69 pips.


Dear friends,

When a company buys back its own stock, there are many advantages to the investor.

Advantages to the Investor

  • Buying back stock means that the company earnings are now split among fewer shares, meaning higher earnings per share (EPS). Theoretically, higher earnings per share should command a higher stock price which is great!
  • Buying back stock uses up excess cash. The returns on excess cash in money market accounts can drag down overall company performance. Cash rich companies are also very attractive takeover targets. Buying back stock allows the company to earn a better return on excess cash and keep itself from becoming a takeover target.
  • Buying back stock allows a company to pass on extra cash to shareholders without raising the dividend. If the cash is temporary in nature it may prove more beneficial to pass on value to shareholders through buybacks rather than raising the dividend.
  • Buying back stock can increase the return on equity (ROE). This effect is greater the more undervalued the shares are when they are repurchased. If shares are undervalued, this may be the most profitable course of action for the company.
  • When a company purchases its own stock it is essentially telling the market that they think that the company’s stock is undervalued. This can have a psychological effect on the market
  • Stock buybacks also raise the demand for the stock on the open market. This point is rather self explanatory as the company is competing against other investors to purchase shares of its own stock.Stock with strong Buybacks
  • In our Learn Stock Investing
    Stock with consistent Growth in Revenue and Earnings

    Learn Stock Investing program
    If you are interested to know what stock is this, you will need to sign up for our learn stock investing programTactical Trading AcademyWebsite:
    “The critical investment factor is determining the intrinsic value of a business and paying a fair or bargain price.” – Warren Buff


Dear friends,

If you are looking for a forex educator, make sure that the educator is a profitable trader.

Below is our forex open positions:

Our profit for the open positions are USD4257.27.

We are profitable traders and we will teach you our trading strategy.

At Tactical Trading Academy, we trades non random recurring patterns in the global currency market. We use technical analysis to recognize these patterns and look for potential exhaustive and bottoming inflection points. Our strategy fuses these inflection points with advanced price and time patterns to derive potential trade ideas.

To sign up for our Trading Education Program, send an email to us at


Forex educator

Tactical Trading Academy



“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” – Henry F


How to get a job as a hedge fund manager?

Becoming a hedge fund manager certainly has its perks… if you are successful. The King of the Hedgies is currently John Paulson who raked in £1bn for a years work shorting the sub prime markets and others certainly are not poor

Can you do it?

The answer to that question is a yes and no. Just like it is possible for everyone to be a sports star. If you have the right physical capacity, the mental toughness and the commitment you can get to the top of your game, and of course, there is an element of luck in everything.

The first thing to know about hedge funds is what they are. There are many resources on the web that will go into chapter and verse but the simple explanation is that, typically, a hedge fund is a set up as a company, lets call it ABC Ltd, which is set up in a tax efficient jurisdiction such as the Caymans or BVI, for example.

The company generally has two classes of shares (it can have more) one are management shares (so you own the company) and the other shares are investors shares (which carry no voting rights).

This company will have various service providers such as:

Prime brokerage: Prime brokers provide a range of customised services to hedge funds. Current services include handling trade execution, clearing and settlement, providing financing and technology services, risk management and operational support facilities, securities lending, and making introductions to sources of capital.

Fund Administration: Some hedge hedge funds conduct administration internally while others choose to outsource certain functions such as their accounting, investor services, risk analysis or performance measurement functions to third party administrators. Some outsourcers offer independent pricing of a fund’s portfolio of securities

Custody: Hedge fund assets are generally held with a custodian, including cash in the fund as well as the actual securities. Custodians may also control flow of capital to meet margin calls.

Of course there will also be a manager of the fund. Assuming you are the one looking to set the fund up, that would be you.

This all sounds a little complicated but there are plenty of administrative services that could put this set-up together for you for around $70,000.

The set up, however, is not the problem. Getting money into the fund is.

Lets say you have a fund set up, you have even managed to get yourself a fund management company properly licensed, you are ready to go as a newly fledged hedge fund manager. Problem now is that you have to get money into the fund and this is where your problems start.

The continuing fees from your administrators above are payable on an annual basis so your overhead is there. Covering these overheads will be the fees you get from your fund. Fees are the now notorious ‘2 & 20′ meaning that there is a 2% annual fee and 20% of the profits

Lets say your overheads are £100,000 per annum, you will need at least £5mn into your fund for the annual fee to cover your overhead. In anyone’s language, that is a large chunk of change. To get this you will need to prove to potential investors that you know what you are doing

Sarah Butcher, editor of agrees. “You can’t just be someone off the street and set up a hedge fund,” she says. “Investors want to put their money with someone who has a track rec

When speaking with investors you need to be able to show them your performance and the strategies you use. Gaining this experience is the key.

Going the traditional route you will either train with an investment bank or directly with a hedge fund company. Investment banks are looking for someone with a good degree, maybe in maths or physics, they want someone who is tough minded, a quick learner and someone who has the capacity to make trading decisions based around sometimes complex structures.

Finding your way directly into hedge funds can be hard, they are notoriously secretive. By far the more traditional route is through working as a trader with an investment bank.

So if you have missed the boat as far as becoming a new boy at an investment house are your dreams of becoming a hedge fund trader over?

Not quite. The thing about managing money is that people are looking for performance. If you can show a track record of performance then people will want to invest money with you. You clearly have to have the capacity for enjoying the stock market, so you probably have been buying and selling stocks but you will need to learn more about other market instrument such as futures etc.

You can do this by opening an account at a reputable trading house and downloading their trading system. They will provide you trade ideas and the explanations behind them and they will help you develop your portfolio operating on trades similar to what the hedge funds do. If you immerse yourself in this type of trading, making profits on your own portfolio, then you are creating a track record. If you are successful enough then you may get to the point where you believe you have the capacity to start a fund.

We are not saying it is easy, it most certainly is not, but not being a 20 year old with a first from Oxford does not necessarily limit your potential career as afund manager. It is a long hard slog to get anyone to believe that you are credible but the rewards are there if you get to that stage.

The billionaire boys have spent years perfecting their art in most cases and now have the ear of huge amounts of money, but don’t give up because you can’t work in an investment bank.. remember ‘money follows performan

If you would like to learn trading from a ex-hedge fund manager, you can sign up for our learn forex and learn investing program.

Click here to view our track record for forex trading.

Click here to view our track record for stock investing.

To find out more, send email to


eurusd short at yellow 100 ema on 60m chart.

abo.gif  22 kb

Buy Silver at 35.13

Stop level at 32.00

Target level at 44.00


We had received testimony from our FX student who is a resident in UK.

Below is his testimony:

“Been in forex trading for years without success
To find this guy was worth all the years.
His 1 to 1 lesson is the best expereince ever had. Thanks again.

At Tactical Trading Academy, we trades non random recurring patterns in the global currency market. We use technical analysis to recognize these patterns and look for potential exhaustive and bottoming inflection points. Our strategy fuses these inflection points with advanced price and time patterns to derive potential trade ideas.

To sign up for our Trading Education Program, send an email to us at


Forex educator

Tactical Trading Academy



“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” – Henry F


5891 pips profit since August 2008. Now its free Forex alerts!

Dear friends,

We are the few forex educators who post our trades publicly. Below is our track record. As you can see below, we do not have 100% success rate but we have more wins than losses. We had generated 5891 pips profits since August 2008.

If you are interested to sign up for our 1 year Forex alerts for FREE, you have to sign up trading account at Askobid. Deposit at least USD300 into the account. Click here to sign up.

After you had sign up for the account at Askobid, send an email to us at We will add your email address to our distribution list. You have nothing to lose! Sign up now.

Track Records:

240 pips profit generated in the month of May 2011: See here.

181 pips profit generated in the month of April 2011: See here.

267 pips loss generated in the month of March 2011: See here.

72 pips profit generated in the month of February 2011: See here.

501 pips profit generated in the month of January 2011: See here.

139 pips profit generated in the month of December 2010: See here.

230 pips profit generated in the month of November 2010: See here.

145 pips profit generated in the month of October 2010: See here.

600 pips loss generated in the month of September 2010: See here.

397 pips profit generated in the month of August 2010: See here.

171 pips profit generated in the month of July 2010: See here.

241 pips loss generated in the month of June 2010: See here.

312 pips profit generated in the month of May 2010: See here.

95 pips profit generated in the month of April 2010: See here.

150 pips profit generated in the month of March 2010: See here.

259 pips profit generated in the month of February 2010: See here.

324 pips profit generated in the month of January 2010: See here.

591 pips loss generated in the month of December 2009: See here.

96 pips profit generated in the month of November 2009: See here.

171 pips loss generated in the month of October 2009: See here.

490 pips profit generated in the month of September 2009: See here.

327 pips profit generated in the month of August 2009: See here.

228 pips loss generated in the month of July 2009: See here.

1259 pips profit generated in the month of June 2009: See here.

24 pips profit generated in the month of May 2009: See here.

313 pips loss generated in the month of April 2009: See here.

345 pips profit generated in the month of March 2009: See here.

525 pips profit generated in the month of February 2009: See here.

317 pips loss generated in the month of January 2009: See here.

699 pips profit generated in the month of December 2008: See here.

857 pips profit generated in the month of November 2008: See here

781 pips profit generated in the month of August – October 2008: Seehere


Forex educator

Tactical Trading Academy



“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.- Thomas Jefferson

Buy Silver at 35.13Stop level at 32.00Target level at 44.00

Closed Silver at 37.76, profit is 2.63 points.

Original trade:

Buy Silver at 35.13

Stop level at 32.00

Target level at 44.00