A complete novice just saying Hello!


Hi to everyone in the forum,

I'm a complete novice to Forex Trading so any first hand advice would be most appreciated.

I'm a little turned around at this point with all the choices to be made with regards to software, brokers, courses, forums. It seems everywhere you turn for research or advice ends with someone trying to sell you the BEST Forex ebook or course on the internet!

I look forward to trading in the very near future, and I hope to learn much from this forum. Thank you for reading.

I wish everyone a profitable future.

Kind regards



Welcome Obmujnomad,

You are in the right place here to find help and advice.

The 1st is to use your best friend: the "search" feature!

And a great site to learn the forex basics: Forex Trading: Education & Training - Learn FX Currency Trading Online

Good luck.



Hi, just want to say hello to everyone too. "Newborn" to forex, just few months as baby forex. Still crawling. and very hard to stand...then fall down again...

Wishing everybody a nice weekend!


Welcome here Rizk!


Hi Traders

Welcome and many lucky in Forex market...

Of course , you cannot get a complet Forex trading ebook for free because of somebody have been invested time and knowledge to wrotte thats courses ...so that don't expect to catch a realy valuable forex trading startegy information for free...