The London Open - page 65


Hi Dan,

Good to see you back in the saddle and quite interested to see what you have now "organised" for yourself.




Hi all

Great to hear from u...

I assure i have had no holiday other than a week in london at a wedding.

Been vvv busy setting up my new venture with the monkey. Very exciting and only a few weeks away.

I have honestly missed the teaching enormously and i can't wait to get back into it. Its my passion and i feel fresh and raring to go...

Hope u have all had a good 6 weeks. That EURUSD and CABLE did mange to fall off their rspective highs. Only seems a very short time ago when we said the USD was going to come back into play in a big way. Hope many of you managed to catch the move.

I am regrouping my thoughts at present on where i feel the market will go from here and i will be writing a little report each am from monday as well as early afternoon.

Please keep this thread alive and kicking. I promise lots of good things to come.

Have a great day!!!



Dear Dan and Le Pimp,

A couple of beauties this morning.....for those who were patient and not looking for scalps. I have as you know been a real fan of black beauty and his side kick the golden mare.

Two most excellent set-ups this morning which allowed pps to be had shorting initially Crude 102.05 to 101.47 s/l 102.6, a respectably 58 pips. I missed the early move and so this was an entry on a small retracement and I used 10 / 63 cci to find my entry. For the early birds an entry of at least 50 pips higher was possible, and this is much clearer on 15m set-up.

Gold then decided to break cover and my order at 754 was kicked in as it broke the trend line.......s/l 756. Quite tight but looked OK on the chart. Took profit at 748 for +53 pips. Remarkably, and to tell the story of dollar strength or gold weakness it went another 100 pips to 738..........I do seem to exit too early, but better profit than loss and lets not get too greedy.

On target this week, for my first ever.....500 pip week, in fact already there at 587. Taken some small losses on indicies this week, mainly yesterday on ftse and dji, but nothing too heavy so will probably sit back for the rest of the week and keep my pip tin locked.

Mega Happy Rockie


Morning all

USD weakness is def set in for this am.

Look for Cable and EURUSD to pull up early this am with cable the best looking as the 60min 20ma is already broken.

Remember not to jump in after lots of green candles. Wait for a retracement b4 entering.

Would be good to see crude break the 1hr 20ma for a weaker USD to sustain throughout the day so keep an eye on this for USD direction. This is very important as this could hinder plans for USD

Its friday. Good luck.


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GOLD looks very strong as well, which will help EURUSD.

The cross has happened on the 60min 20ma. Could see a gd pullback so bring on the weak USD for this session. However watch the beast (oil)... He will pull the USD around...


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Look at USDCHF.. IF OIL behaves and can find support look at box strategy.

It is retracing back up to pivot. IF OIL gets support look for short at pivot with tight stop...Might be worth a 15 pt stop loss play for a downside move. Well thats what i am looking at as we speak.

It will break this am depending on the black stuff. Please behave!!!


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Morning Dan,

Thank you for the chart tips.............enjoy for day.

What do you think crude back to sub $100.........................???????

Any comments on the indicies. What does The Monk think about direction or is he swinging in no particular direction?

Have a great weekend..........Closed out top week ever thanks to the strategy...drum roll, action 587. Took no trades yesterday pm, and will not be trading today.....keeping my pip tin locked.

Cheers Guys,

Pip Rush Rockie

p.s. my eldest lad in hospital to have his nose reset after breaking playing rugby........I pray for his safety. Amen


Hi Rock

Wish your son well.. I have had mine reconstructed twice now from rugby!!!

He will be fine.

Great trading this week. Just locked in 85 so far this am on 1st day back so happy.

Speak monday.


Morning Dan, Thank you for the chart tips.............enjoy for day. What do you think crude back to sub $100.........................??????? Any comments on the indicies. What does The Monk think about direction or is he swinging in no particular direction? Have a great weekend..........Closed out top week ever thanks to the strategy...drum roll, action 587. Took no trades yesterday pm, and will not be trading today.....keeping my pip tin locked. Cheers Guys, Pip Rush Rockie p.s. my eldest lad in hospital to have his nose reset after breaking playing rugby........I pray for his safety. Amen

Hi Rockdrive...

Sorry not looking at Indices till avo with currencies moving like this. The Monkey and i will be trading together vvv soon. Oh what fun!!!

USDCHF just holding support due to EURUSD finding res at 4hr 20ma. EUR needs to break to allow CHF to fall...




Crude looks small bid at mom.. Needs to break 101.60 for a sharp move higher. towards pivot.

Bring me a break baby!!!