The London Open - page 78


Fact 1 about Gorillas...

1.Gorillas are the largest living primates - the family of animals that includes monkeys, apes and humans. A mature male gorilla can be over 6 feet tall and weigh 300 to 500 pounds. He can spread his arms 8 feet across and is as strong as 4 to 8 strong men. Adult female gorillas are about half the size of the males.

Fact 1 about Gorillas... 1.Gorillas are the largest living primates - the family of animals that includes monkeys, apes and humans. A mature male gorilla can be over 6 feet tall and weigh 300 to 500 pounds. He can spread his arms 8 feet across and is as strong as 4 to 8 strong men. Adult female gorillas are about half the size of the males.

Half your size that makes me a girl gorilla...yuk.....I'm off to have a shave, and put my dress on....Ahhhhhh


Think a nice glass of red will go down well tonight.

See u all tomorrow...



Gold and EURUSD look good for downside


Morning all

EURUSD and GOLD look good for short downside play so jumped in already...

Wait for 123 play on downside for CABLE on break below 60min 50ma.

Missed the USDJPY and USDCHF but u cant take them all...

The USD has found support so far this am. The only reservation i have is CRUDE looks like a break through the 60min 20ma on the upside could be on. This would bring small USD weakness back into play so i need to be careful.

Speak in a bit.



Keep an eye on cable...


Look at the gaps on the 60min charts down to the 4hr 20ma's. That is key...


Ahhhh the London Open is misbehaving... I need to be patient here.

EURUSD and GOLD look so set for a fall.

Patience is key but need to watch this USD.



With Crude stuck at 103.50, i think the market is a little lost.

If Crude breaks down look to sell through 103.00 and likewise if it breaks the 60min 20ma there should be a play north.

Mmmmmm come on...Give me direction


Ok i am going to hold and look for 60min 20ma's as resistance in EURUSD and GOLD.

CABLE i still like and going to watch this carefully.

This happenes and you get days like this...Plums!!!

Patience..Not going to panic but enjoy my coffee.