The London Open - page 17

Rockdrive Excellent you are obviously a great guy. I have yet to meet a Jeremy that wasn't a true champion. Good on you.

Nice one - Aren't you down under. Was it NZ? Are you therefore a rugby fan? J



I'm Australian. Don't take to kindly to being called a Kiwi. (joking)

Rugby yes but mainly AFL (Australian Football League).

Wow look at GY I will have to find a face with tears. (Not sure of the tear code). EJ being a bit stubborn with a bit of EU strength.

But don't worry the Wallabies will surely win the next World Cup. We are due we didn't win the last one .



hi sara

1.a dan template to install= scorpion is offering to send u an already set up template with all the indicators that dan mentioned with the values he talked about to make it easy for u to set your charts, but it seems like u did plot the right values so 2. your charts are supposed to be ready(correct me if I'm wrong guys)

3.heiken ashi is a name of indicator u will find under " custom indicators" on your alpari platform, gives u a better visual for the bearish/bullish candles

4.if u r not interested in trading gold, silver, or oil then u don't have to switch to odl (by the way their demo account expires in a month while alpari doesn't if u make any trade within the first 90 days)

5. about the cci colors, as far as I understand it, what matters here is the zero level. above zero color becomes green and a good long (buy) entry point would be when the color goes above 100. when it goes under zero the color becomes red so short (sell)

6. T1 T2 T3 I don't know what they mean myself

7.about the correlation between gold and the other pairs.. I've noticed that looooong ago but it still didn't help me much in choosing entry or exit points coz they move simultaniously, it only confirms the trend ( or may be I was too stupid to make better use of it! u tell me )

Rockdrive I'm Australian. Don't take to kindly to being called a Kiwi. (joking)Rugby yes but mainly AFL (Australian Football League). Wow look at GY I will have to find a face with tears. (Not sure of the tear code). EJ being a bit stubborn with a bit of EU strength. But don't worry the Wallabies will surely win the next World Cup. We are due we didn't win the last one . Jeremy

Sorry Man - I know the code for Southern Hemisphere. No chance for the World Cup - Wales (if we can put a full team out) might make up, and except the recent stuffing from the boks....

I'm just going to track e/j and looking at crude at the moment awaiting NY opening.



Attached is an indicator I use for daily highs and lows. I change the colours so they are just visible. It is good to know where they are as they act as support and resistance.


dayHL.mq4  4 kb
RockdriveI'm Australian. Don't take to kindly to being called a Kiwi. (joking)Rugby yes but mainly AFL (Australian Football League).Wow look at GY I will have to find a face with tears. (Not sure of the tear code). EJ being a bit stubborn with a bit of EU strength.But don't worry the Wallabies will surely win the next World Cup. We are due we didn't win the last one . Jeremy

Hi Jeremy

GBPJPY was my tear-face this morning - bailed out for 2 pips when could have got 40+, bottled it as wasn't comfortable with the spread.

I'm now wearing Le Pimp's dunce cap for the rest of the day and have been slapped on the wrist. Hope to do better next time!


Hi Jeremy GBPJPY was my tear-face this morning - bailed out for 2 pips when could have got 40+, bottled it as wasn't comfortable with the spread. I'm now wearing Le Pimp's dunce cap for the rest of the day and have been slapped on the wrist. Hope to do better next time! Fran

F, You must not be beating yourself. Look at the positive - its +2 pips and not -2. The fear of failure is bigger than the fear of success. Nobody, but nobody likes to lose. Me included, but you have to start easy, and be comfortable with the spread and a possible loss. Its one of main reasons why we are generally more successful on demo account, because it does not mean anything real, it costs nothing if you get it wrong. Stand back from what you are doing. Breathe, review charts, review again and make entry. If you follow the CCI rules and daily MA's, it will come. I sweated this morning to make 7 pips on e/j. I knew from an earlier note that Le Pimp has already exited the trade for a cheeky 20 so I was thinking on no I'm going to lose, but I stayed with the charts waited until I crossed over and then closed. Sometimes doing nothing is better than rushing, no I change that, panicing, and making a poor decision under pressure. You need to try an early drink to steel your no drinking and charting, ou cheeky thing. I'm still so new you can see the bum fluff, I am making mistakes, but many less than when I started with Dan and Team. Slowly but surely my confidence is growing and sometime soon, I will hit 500 pips. Don't know when, but I know if I keep focused and keep to the rules, they will come. Anyway its time for lunch, a sit in the garden and dream of my island, next to Le Pimp. Vive Le Pimp, Vive Le Dream


Hi all

I am blown away by the level of trading from all of you... Look at these results... Amazing...

70 pips

100 pips

91 pips

150 pips

65 pips

83 pips

35 pips

50 pips

50 pips

36 pips

44 pips

22 pips

25 pips

60 pips

19 pips

40 pips

100 pips

99 pips

54 pips

120 pips

30 pips

180 pips

50 pips

20 pips

60 pips

16 pips

50 pips

40 pips

80 pips

73 pips

41 pips

40 pips

30 pips

101 pips

35 pips

19 pips

23 pips

30 pips

70 pips

30 pips

65 pips

36 pips

30 pips

- 7 pips

100 pips

87 pips

85 pips

33 pips

27 pips

40 pips

33 pips

90 pips

40 pips

- 25 pips

10 pips

20 pips

30 pips

38 pips

138 pips

32 pips

85 pips

153 pips

38 pips

40 pips

19 pips

44 pips

23 pips

26 pips

39 pips

73 pips

41 pips

29 pips

60 pips

40 pips

40 pips

20 pips

50 pips

35 pips

30 pips

14 pips

22 pips

30 pips

170 pips

60 pips

250 pips

84 pips

60 pips

210 pips

81 pips

34 pips

54 pips

22 pips

Total Estimate 5,209 pips...

The pips keep coming and its so good to see you all working together. Only 2 losing trades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today showed clear direction with GBP weakness and USD strength...

Short cable at 1.9650 for a move to 1.9600.

GBPJPY was spotted very early and many went short at 209.85 for 50ish pips...

EURJPY was played well by DC and a few from 166.00 for 50 pips.

Crude was the big play with the break of the 50ma at 135.00, for around 100 pips.. Great trade!!!

EURUSD broke the 1.5560 level at the 200ma for around 50 pips..

The list goes on and read so well by you all.

Well done and speak to you all later.

I am very happy indeed.


eurusd444.gif  42 kb
cable444.gif  45 kb
crude444.gif  45 kb

Hi all

Probably the happiest Teacher in the World!!!


Hi all Probably the happiest Teacher in the World!!! Dan007

If we made currency traders teachers we probably be the best teachers in the world - brough to you by Carlsberg, other premium beers may be available