Request for Tick Indicator


I'm looking for a simple(ish) indicator which I'd be happy to pay for if no one can do it for free.

So, 2 lines (Up tick Green, Down tick Red). Each line shows the MA (user-definable length) of the TIME BETWEEN TICKS. So, for instance GBPUSD is 1.9500, ticks UP to 1.9501 after 50 ms, then after another 100ms ticks DOWN to 1.9500, then after 150ms ticks UP to 1.9501, then after 200ms ticks DOWN to 1.9500 again. Now, say the MA is set to 2, the UP LINE would be at 100 ((50+100)/2) and the DOWN LINE would be at 150 ((100+200)/2).

The UP indicator line only watches UP tick time intervals and likewise the DOWN tick indicator only watches DOWN tick intervals. We could call it TICK TIME MA.

Hopefully I've made myself clear but ask any questions.

I am aware that the x-axis will need to be time-independant (as ticks are), so this will probably need putting into a new window.


I decided to get a pro to code me this as no one had come forward on any forum.

I've been testing it for a couple of days and have to report its rubbish. There are moments when it looks as though its doing something useful but like most indicators its great at telling you what just happened rather than whats just about to happen.

Another possible concept to be binned. Next please !


i am new to do use indicators