


I've been studying Forex for the last couple of months & now I want to develop an automated program,

by who? how? without losing my intellectual ownership?

My idea should work with forex, it works without fail in other 50/50 platforms, Roulette, Baccarat, Craps etc.

With Forex it should get to where it will generate millions an hour eventually!

How to start?




Did you try to read any other automated system- program where you can cach idea what to do...


Please i need someone to help me in coding. My strategy involves opening a long position when ADX line is > 25 and rising, +DI > -DI, price above 5 & 60 period EMAs, and RSI > 55 and rising. The position should be closed after the 1st parabolic dot which appears appears below price closes.

Open short when ADX line > 25 and rising,

-DI > -DI+

Price below 5 & 60 period EMAs

RSI < 45 AND falling

The position should be closed when the candle with the 1st parabolic dot which appears above price closes

Please i anticipate help and hope you understand my logic. I t is buying smaller uptrends in a major uptrend and selling smaller downtrends in a major downtrend. No trading during retracement. Thanks