another indicator....another alert needed...thanks - page 4


hey bossexro...... yes they do plot differently...... that is what is so confusing..... is the v2 version, the ex from my prior post , ploting as in my picture.....

if you can get your hands on a 205 build and then compile the code we had posted earlier, you'll see for some odd reason the exact same code compiles differently which of course causes the indicator to plot differently.....

its the exact same mqh file..... i'll repost everything again later......h


hi bossxero says they are differnt from the original........but never fear the stellaman is here and i think i got it sussed out,just trying to sort out the last bit but amolst 99% there,will post later

trend_bars.jpg  106 kb

Hello All.....

Can any body help me to change HMA4 indicator into an Arrow as the sign when the color change..? Help me please.....!!!

Thank You

HMA.mq4  8 kb