script needed


does anyone know of a script to keep the mt4 log files ( trades-journal ext. ) from being deleted when closing the program.


they actually aren't deleted. Check the \logs or \experts\logs folder for the date you are looking for.



how do i go about doing that as i dont see it in the program.


You have to do this outside of MT4. Use windows explorer and click into the directory you want eg:

c:\program files\interbankfx 4\experts\logs

c:\program files\interbankfx 4\logs

Then double click on the log file for the day you want to examine. It will open using the standard viewer you have setup for all .log files, mine is set for windows wordpad.



how do i access windows explorer as i ran a search but did not turn up the necessary link. im running win-xp


it is stored inside your comp

you can install google desktop to search

how do i access windows explorer

Right click on the start button.

Choose "Explore" from the pop-up menu.