MT4 programing guide - page 2


Hey I have been reading up and I don’t understand why the Eur/Usd is put up like that, shouldn´t it be the other way around. Well I know it doesn´t matter much but it would be easier for us Americans to read. Is there a way to change that

Hey I have been reading up and I don’t understand why the Eur/Usd is put up like that, shouldn´t it be the other way around. Well I know it doesn´t matter much but it would be easier for us Americans to read. Is there a way to change that

Why EURUSD ? And Why not ? I think this is just the standard way and it can't be changed.

Forex market is a world wide market ... not an american market.

Why the word "GOD" is put up like that, "shouldn´t it be the other way around" (without any disrespect)



Hey I didn’t mean any disrespect it’s just that since the others are paired up with the USD/other I was just wondering. Either way I got use to it already, no matter what is the order you win and lose pips and that’s all that matte


Hello miguel

The Euro is a commanding currency in the world markets and will always show first (base) against other currencies.


Miguel yea it is no big deal what currency goes first, that only tells you how to read the graph, no more no less. Simple the base currency is the first one.


i feel like i've walked into an oasis..! Great forum, was just starting to get too overwhelmed with the scams and overload of usless info before I found this forum. Thanks


nice, I love this forum

Hello miguelThe Euro is a commanding currency in the world markets and will always show first (base) against other currencies.

Indeed, Eur and usd(a bit) are good leading currencies.


Gain more knowledge of market trends.

Hi Friends
Hope you all are fine. i need your guidance please? How can we install Tradional MACD for MT4 on android app? CAn anyone guide me please? i will be highly grateful.